Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dr. Jones is Right - Molten Aluminum is Silver

Dr. Steven Jones argues that the molten substance pouring out of the South Tower shortly before its collapse is evidence of the use of thermite to bring down the Twin Towers.

Defenders of the official story have tried to claim that the molten metal was aluminum from the plane which crashed into the South Tower.

Dr. Jones argues that it can't be aluminum because aluminum is silver in color when it is poured (in daylight), while the observed substance was bright yellow-orange.

This essay gathers photographs proving that molten metal is, in fact, silver when poured in daylight.

Here, molten aluminum is orange-yellow in a furnace:

But here is molten aluminum from the same foundry as it is being poured:

And here is reddish molten aluminum in a foundry:

But when it is poured it looks silver-colored (this is the same molten aluminum being poured a couple of seconds later):

Here are additional photographs of melted aluminum being poured:

See also this video, this one, and this one.

Admittedly, aluminum can appear yellow-orange or red if it is heated to temperatures much higher than the melting point, as shown -- for example -- in the foundry pictures, above. The questions of whether molten aluminum could have been heated high enough to have become yellow-orange in the South Tower, whether such a high temperature could have been sustained while the substance fell through the air, and whether different aluminum alloys could have different colors when poured are important questions which will be addressed elsewhere.


  1. "And here is reddish molten aluminum in a foundry:"

    I have one of these furnaces and that's not the aluminum glowing red, that's the iron crucible--used to hold the aluminum--glowing red.

  2. I smelted aluminum and the picture of the yellow-red substance being raked out of the smelter is iron and steel bolts,rings and other metal waste. The smelter may not have been smelting cans,it was probably smelting pistons,engine heads and other cast aluminum junk with steel embedded in them. Smelting cans require electrical smelters that allow no air flow to reduce evaporation on the thin aluminum cans thus reducing loss of aluminum.
