Below the Belt
There is substantial evidence that explosions occurred well BELOW the areas impacted by the planes hitting the Twin Towers on 9/11. Indeed, according to some witnesses, some of these explosions occurred before the plane even hit the building:
Prior to Plane Hit
9/11 hero, who was the last person out of the north tower, said that there was a massive explosion in the North Tower BEFORE the plane hit (see also this interview and also this interview)
Maintenance worker who worked in the basement of north tower witnessed an explosion in the basement at around the same time the plane hit far above
Phenomena Wholly Inconsistent with Official Story
Stationary engineer who worked in world trade center one described tremendous damage in the basement of the building more consistent in nature and timing with a bomb than with damage from jet fuel: "'There was nothing there but rubble . . . We're talking about a 50 ton hydraulic press—gone!'. . . They then went to the parking garage, but found that it was also gone. Then on the B level, they found that a steel-and-concrete fire door, which weighed about 300 pounds, was wrinkled up 'like a piece of aluminum foil.' Having seen similar things after the terrorist attack in 1993, [he] was convinced that a bomb had gone off."
Firefighter said "this, huge incredible force of wind and debris actually came UP the stairs, knocked my helmet off, knocked me to the ground"
Similarly, employee of an insurance company in south tower heard an explosion from BELOW the impact of the airplane, an "exploding sound" shook the building, a tornado of hot air, smoke and ceiling tiles and bits of drywall came flying UP the stairwell, and the wall split from the bottom UP
Firefighter stated "my lieutenant said he looked down at the first floor, and he could see the first floor of the south tower like exploding out" (page 5; Google's web version is here)
CBS News reporter stated "All of a sudden I heard a roar and I saw one of the towers blow ... I saw from street level as though it exploded up, a giant rolling ball of flame...". (same reporter stated "I hear simultaneously this roar and see what appears to be a gigantic fireball rising up at ground level . . . I remember seeing this giant ball of fire come out of the earth as I heard this roar" (pages 119 & 239))
An eyewitness reported a large explosion at ground level right before the collapse of the North Tower
Police Officer described events which occurred inside Tower One after the second plane hit and well before that tower collapsed: "We went back up to the sixth floor . . . . Then there was an eerie silence and it was like you knew something was going to happen. There just seemed to be one explosion after another. I was separated from the guys from the bridge . . . by another explosion, massive again, sucking the air out of your lungs and then just a wind more intense this time with larger pieces of debris flying." (pages 94 & 95, which is page 2 & 3 of a hand-written memorandum)
BBC reporter stated "Then, an hour later, we had that big explosion, from much much lower [well below the plane impact]. I don't know what on earth caused that".
Firefighter describes elevators "blown off the hinges" which only went to lower floors (page 7)(Note: this statement about the elevators still needs to be verified)
Other Evidence of Explosions Well Below the Area of Plane Impact
A janitor witnessed explosions in the sub-basement
A carpenter witnessed explosions in the sub-basement
A Port Authority Police Department officer, who was intimately familiar with the World Trade Center from his years of police duties patrolling there, described how the hallway began to shudder as a "terrible deafening roar" swept over him, then a giant fireball exploded in the street seconds before the south tower collapsed
Firefighters discovered that the lobby of one of the twin towers suffered explosive damage with blown-out windows
Firefighter stated "the Maydays started coming in to vacate the north tower . . . we started going down. At that point, we proceeded down . . . Made it down to the lobby. There were about maybe 30 firefighters that were with us. Made it to the lobby, and the lobby was like a war zone. All the windows were blown out, and the command post wasn't there. We made it to the corner of West and Vesey when the building came down." (pages 5 & 6)A WTC survivor said "We get to the 8th floor. Big Explosion. Blew us back into the eighth floor."
Another survivor experienced an explosion in the mezzanine of the tower
Another survivor experienced an explosion in the lobby
World trade center employee stated "the bottom of our building was blown out"
Paramedic "heard ground level explosions" (page 29)
A police report states World Trade Center "Police Desk reporting an explosion on the lower level" 8 minutes after plane crash (page 17, which is page 2 of the Chronological Report of the WTC Radio Transmissions on 9/11/01)
Construction worker discusses explosions in the sub-basement of tower 1; same worker talks about explosions in the basements of tower 2
See also witness statements here
How could the fire damage from airplanes or their jet fuel have caused such extensive explosions over so many floors over such a long timeframe below the airplane impacts? Do you remember that most of the fuel spilled outside of the towers in those dramatic fireballs, and the rest supposedly lit the paper, rugs and other office contents of the twin towers on fire?
Given these facts, how could fires or jet fuel have caused the events described above by credible eyewitnesses?

I searched unsuccessfully for
Chronological Report of the WTC Radio Transmissions on 9/11/01
Any idea where it's published?
Any idea how to get the original tapes copied & distributed?
mossad agents and cia dont want you to know.
This will make ashkenazi jews happy
Good Morning Americans
didn't u know that you are blaming the wrong person?
I hope more of you people realise the truth sooner?
Proud Muslim Arab
interesting post. not sure what to make of it, since the evidence seems pretty substantial that despite an increase in the threat level and our intelligence awareness of a threat level, the current administrations focus on the issue was less, rather than more, than the prior administration's, becasue they came in with a different word view(read Condi Rice's article on national security in Foreign Affairs Journal shortly before being appointed NSA, or woodward's bokd ans some others indicating a predisposition toward Iraq even before taking office, and unfortunately, that world view did not change in the fact or repeated warnings and a crescendo of intelligence data, in the first nine months of 9/11. since then the administration has focused on terrorism, but perhaps by doing the wrong things over zealously, and not enough of the right things, in keeping with the same perhaps not overly broad world view that caused the threat to be largely missed in the first place. occums razor -- the simplest explanation usuall applies.
check out, has a few articles regarding the larger issues from a non partisan perspective
interesting post. not sure what to make of it, since the evidence seems pretty substantial that despite an increase in the threat level and our intelligence awareness of that increase, the current (Bush) Administration's focus on the issue was less, rather than more, than the prior administration's, becasue they came in with a different word view(read Condi Rice's article on national security in Foreign Affairs Journal shortly before being appointed NSA, or Woodward's bokd and some others indicating a predisposition toward Iraq even before taking office), and unfortunately, that world view did not change in the fact of repeated warnings and a crescendo of intelligence data, in the first nine months of 9/11.
since then the administration has focused on terrorism, but perhaps by doing the wrong things over zealously, and not enough of the right things, in keeping with the same perhaps not overly broad world view that caused the threat to be largely missed in the first place. occums razor -- the simplest explanation usuall applies.
check out, has a few articles regarding the larger issues from a non partisan perspective
Nice collection of eyewitness testimony, something was definately going on.. I don't see any comprehensive disputing of this from popular mechanics reading their rebutal of the possibility of devices in the building.
Infact their explaination of melted steel is awful, they completely neglect to explain the presence of the molten steel described as 'foundary' like by some fire fighters at ground zero. It's shocking really, their explaination doesn't stand up against these anomalies in the physical evidence, I'm sorry popular mechanics but I smell bs science on your part.
Excellent research. Very well presented!!
How does it make you feel America? When you have 3 controlled demolitions rubbed in your face, and then you're told that what really happened is something that couldn't possibly have happened. Controlled demolition is the only acceptable explaination, and controlled demolition equals inside job.
This probably won't get posted - our problem in the USA is that we are using foreign notes as "money" which is controlled by a foreign power. The Federal Reserve Note is just a way for this foreign power to steal our nation’s wealth!
God wants us to use “just weights and measures” and until we do, these criminals will continue to rob us blind, kill our people and use us to fight their wars. God won’t help us unless we follow his Law – No need to rebel (which is what the tyrants want). We just need to obey God. Simple as that and our problem(s) will be fixed!
Why does it take Americans 6 years to find out that these explosions were caused by the new plastic furniture installed in both buildings by the new owners?..plastic furniture is no more than inert C4, all you need are detonators, which were placed there the night before the "demolition"
Why were there no filing cabinets found in the debris?
Wakey, wakey, hand off snakey!
Round up all of the Bilderberg Group members and their tools. We know who they are, where they are, what they did, what they are doing and planning. They cannot escape. We have our soldiers (who work for us not for them and will protect our rights and freedoms including freedom to protest peacefully) to protect us and we have Interpol at our disposal should they run.
We know Guiliani failed to stop the attacks and his campaign for presidency is being financed by those who know that he either failed to stop the attacks or facilitated the attacks or stood down. His abortion stance is irrelevant and should he go away based on GOP rejection, he is still a prime suspect as his office was directly across from the Twin Towers and there is no logical reason why his office was destroyed with formalate explosives which are military explosives.
The leasor of WTC 1 & 2 & 7 is a prime suspect. He purchased plastic furniture which added fuel to the fire. He had access to the communications about the 9/11 attacks from his buildings which housed CIA/SS, the SEC, insurance companies, mortgage brokers, phone companies, bankers and credit card companies as well as attorneys and others who are all suspect, especially the thousands of Israeli employees who conveniently missed work that day in the Twin Towers. All are suspect. Not each individual but some in those companies and agencies are. Many are.
Also suspect is Jeb who allowed the security system to be shut down. He also likely facilitated voting fraud in Florida and works with corrupt Florida judges who are suspect also.
All of these would be likely Bilderberg Group members and tools.
Also, the Israeli Art Students who were caught by the FBI and questioned and released are suspect since they danced as we died and praised the work of the attackers. They likely helped plant the explosives once Jeb helped to shut down security cameras.
Guiliani's Hollywood friends are suspect for making 9/11 movies that appear to convey the attackers plans, motives and means as well as alluding to al-Qaeda agents being employees who worked in the WTC buildings for various corporations such as the phone company, insurance companies, bankers and credit card companies etc. Their films are Exhibits for a trial on high crimes and treason.
Tenet, who profited greatly, being gifted with 7 mill and a sweet job at a University may very reasonable be suspected as a Bilderberg tool.
The al-Qaeda is CIA trained. The CIA admitted to setting the explosives in the garage of the Twin Towers in 1993. This was likely practice for a bigger attack. They were taking a temperature reading to see how Americans reacted. Since we did not seek proper justice they went ahead and committed the 9/11 attacks. They refined their plan over the years and while doing so, many men devised ways to take advantage of the Inside knowledge and helped themselves to whatever they could take. It's explained in the 1999 movie Fight Club, made only two years before we were attacked. The A-list actor who starred in it has a manager (an agent of sorts) who is financing Guiliani's presidential run. Guiliani may be represented by Norton who pulls the buildings at WTC with money as his motive. Norton may also be portraying Larry Silverstein or some such Bilderberg who pulled the attacks.
There are many Bilderbergs. The above is a hunch, an educated guess. There are many more involved and they include those who pulled off the attacks in Spain and London. They are provoking fear in first world nations to rob the people therein. They use shock and awe tactics which is what their attacks amount to. It's more about massive theft than it is about getting away with murder. They simply enjoy murdering and believe it's necessary for them to murder in order to steal as much as they do. They suck people into their lair by enrichening them way beyond their ability to enrich themselves. These men are feeble and inept, stupid and lack talent and that is why they must steal. They believe in capitalism but even more they believe they have a right to gain riches by any means. They have no guilt for robbing and killing and believe obscene riches are theirs even if they have to steal it. They are uncommon criminals.
Popular Mechanics has become their mouthpiece along with the Ashkenazi Jew dominated mainstream media. Israel is part of the coup, as they provide much of the manpower and some of the technology such as MITRE and PROMIS(E) which was used to usurp our military defenses. They may have tried to kill Bush for fun, which explains why he appeared to be on the run. MITRE proved to allow murderers to kill inside the White House which was proven during the Clinton administration when an aide was murdered and security tapes caught none of it. It's easily sabotaged, probably a design of its Jewish makers whose base is in Israel. We would only buy such tools if the Jews were part of the coup, if they were Bilderbergs or Bilderberg tools.
There are more. Many more. These are just a few of the likely Bilderberg Group members and tools who pulled 9/11 attacks off enabling them to rob our nation and murder us without being prosecuted to any extent by the law.
Rumsfeld and Condoleeza and Kissinger and Wolfowitz are also likely Bilderbergs as was Sharon of Israel and Olmert who viciously and inhumanely attacked unarmed Lebanonese elderly, women and children while we were distracted with Iraq.
Spielberg may be a Bilderberg as he's been to China promoting the 2008 Olympics though the government there is kidnapping Chinese boys and harvesting their young clean organs as consumer goods to be sold to first world nations. It's unfathomable to imagine a Jew supporting such a nation unless the holocaust in Germany was a false flag that Jews wanted to happen and invited in order to get us into WWII whereupon they would be gifted with Palestinian land and gain tremendous undo sympathy. They were not despised for their religion as they often claim, but for their anti-social behavior, for their attitudes about money and how to obtain wealth and because they declared war on Germany and asked the world to unite against White Christian Germans long before Adolf was Chancellor. They incited and invited war and rabbis gave money to leading nations for war before any Jew was ever arrested.
The Jews profit from war and death and murder. Howard K. Stern was attempting to profit from Anna Nicole Smith's death and helped her to kidnap Birkhead's baby. Drug sedation is a common tool of fascists who want the masses weakened and unable to stop those who would rob them and who would rob the world. Americans were drugged with movies put out by Warner Brothers whose first movie in 1914 was an anti-German film about war. They were warmongers, constantly campaigning for war, for Americans to go to war and later campaigning for Americans to go to war for Israel. American told Warner Brothers to stop making anti-German films but they refused and continued to do so before one brother sold out the other and ruined him. They had no morals or common decency, they robbed talent of their Academy Awards. Casablanca is wholly a communist Jew sympathizing propaganda piece. The Jews were careful not to show any blood in that movie. The acting was stiff so one would think outsmarting the Germans would be easy. You are supposed to walk away from it thinking Jews are pretty people (though Anglo actors were used) who are loving and honorable. One is supposed to walk away from it wanting to be like the American Rick character who loves Jews and especially Jewish women and be honorable and help the Jewish cause by shooting other men in the back. It was designed to make American men walk to their deaths in WWII, the way Jews were told by their rabbis not to fight back. They wanted sympathy to make the war seem "real." It was all contrived by men who wanted obscene wealth at the expense of the rest of the world. The Japanese killed a politician for plotting Pearl Harbor as a false flag attack (they don’t reward or foster it the way Israelis do) after which, the Japanese were told to do kamakazi maneuvers. They basically became suicide attackers just like the Palestinians who are given money for each one that dies in a suicide attack. The Israeli-Palestinian conflicts generate money for Israeli leaders. Leading nations send them money. No one stops them from land-grabbing. This is likely because Israel helps pull of false flags such as 9/11 attacks. Israel is rewarded and enriched in many ways. Their people are Bilderbergs tools, religiously zealots caught up in the Bilderberg game of land-grabbing, controlling human energy and stealing wealth. We know that Israel lies and lies chronically in the fashion of a sociopath.
The question of why we don't consider a politician a total liar if he lies once is easily answered. We can consider a politician a liar if he lies once. We see and know what they are doing and protecting. They are robbing and protecting their own reputation. They are lying so they don't get caught, go to prison and lose all that they stole. We can treat them like liars now and when we take them to court. On trial we will watch them for making perjuring statements. The trick is to put them all on trial. We know they are lying and that they are spreading their lies through their faux science magazine Popular Mechanics. They've run a huge campaign stating they are scientific or literate, but they sure know how to use science and literature to spread lies and mask their crimes when they need to. That is clear to see.
Rather, they've run a huge campaign stating they are NOT scientific or literate, but then turn around and use science and literature to spread lies and mask their crimes when they need to. That's clear to see.
What a bunch of morons. You people actually believe this shit? Plastic furniture made of C4? I want some of the drugs you're all taking to dream up this crazy shit. If you honestly believe this crap, then pack your bags and get the hell out of this country.
"The Popular Mechanics article was written by Homeland Security Chief Chertoff's brother for God's sake."
That is absolutely FALSE!! Much like the rest of the BS on this site.
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