Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right
Have you noticed how Democrats who say 9/11 was an inside job are attacked as leftwing nutcase Bush-haters? For example, Fox news made a pathetic attempt to discredit 9/11 truth by running a caption at the bottom of the screen saying "People don't believe 9/11 story because they hate Bush"). (True, viewers of Fox news are the least informed people in the country; but that's not the issue I'm addressing).
Likewise, have you noticed how Republicans who say 9/11 was an inside job are attacked as disinformation agents who are trying to discredit the left and waste its time by starting it on a wild goose chase, so that Democrats ignore the real dangers facing our country and keep the Democrats from unifying around "important" issues? Listen to radio host Ed Schultz or go to Daily Kos or any other major Democratic news site and you'll hear this line.
Uh . . . you can't have it both ways. The reason democrats and republicans say that 9/11 was an inside job was because
... drumroll, please ...
The truth is that officials from across the political spectrum question 9/11, and false flag attacks and faked intelligence have been carried out by both the left and the right, so it an issue which is truly non-partisan and is of vital concern to every American.
The whole left-right paradigm is a false dichotomy, a divide-and-conquer strategy, whipped up to confuse and disempower people. So this strategy of repulicans saying its Bush-haters and democrats saying its right-wing disinfo is a very, very old and tired one, which has been used for thousands of years to confuse and disempower people.
As a prominent member of the 9/11 truth movement jokes: "4 out of 5 dictators agree: divide and conquer works!"
A humorous example of this is the recent attack on Alex Jones. Alex has always been attacked by liberals as being a right-winger. But last week, he was attacked for being a liberal traitor. Nice try, but you can't have it both ways.
Likewise, have you noticed how Republicans who say 9/11 was an inside job are attacked as disinformation agents who are trying to discredit the left and waste its time by starting it on a wild goose chase, so that Democrats ignore the real dangers facing our country and keep the Democrats from unifying around "important" issues? Listen to radio host Ed Schultz or go to Daily Kos or any other major Democratic news site and you'll hear this line.
Uh . . . you can't have it both ways. The reason democrats and republicans say that 9/11 was an inside job was because
... drumroll, please ...
The truth is that officials from across the political spectrum question 9/11, and false flag attacks and faked intelligence have been carried out by both the left and the right, so it an issue which is truly non-partisan and is of vital concern to every American.
The whole left-right paradigm is a false dichotomy, a divide-and-conquer strategy, whipped up to confuse and disempower people. So this strategy of repulicans saying its Bush-haters and democrats saying its right-wing disinfo is a very, very old and tired one, which has been used for thousands of years to confuse and disempower people.
As a prominent member of the 9/11 truth movement jokes: "4 out of 5 dictators agree: divide and conquer works!"
A humorous example of this is the recent attack on Alex Jones. Alex has always been attacked by liberals as being a right-winger. But last week, he was attacked for being a liberal traitor. Nice try, but you can't have it both ways.

Right, when Clinton was in office Alex Jones was his most vocal adversary. But Bush is even worse. He'll lie through his teeth, but the reich-wing doesn't seem to mind, even though the lies are obvious.
Yes, 9/11 WAS an inside job. The collapse of 7 World Trade Center at 5:20PM makes that perfectly clear to anyone that cares to LOOK.
What I find most disturbing about the collapse of this building, the one no plane slammed into, is that it's easy to find people that have never heard of it. The media complicity is underscored even more by the recent explosion of interest exhibited over the CNN "Showbiz Tonight" brief coverage of the Charlie Sheen interview, with Ed Asner scheduled to speak, and then...nothing. 84% of the people that took the poll AGREED with Charlie Sheen, only 16% disagreed. Granted, it's not a scientific poll; there is no way to confirm whether or not anyone voted more than once, but the probability fades in the huge span between the numbers. In other words, it's unlikely that unscrupulous voters could drive up the numbers the way they were. In addition, they reported over and over how they had been overwhelmed with email on the subject. It wouldn't be too hard to see if most of them were coming from the same place.
So what happened? Media complicity is staring us squarely in the face. We DO NOT have a free press.
The question is, once the majority of Americans know the truth, what are we going to DO ABOUT IT? Who's willing to risk their lives to storm the White House gates like the citizens of Venezuela did to remove the coupe that took over that country?
If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water it will immediately leap out. If you drop a frog in a lukewarm pot of water and slowly heat it to boil, the frog will casually swim around until it is boiled. The U.S. citizens are frogs in a lukewarm pot of water, and the fire has been lit.
Will we act before our country is gutted and sold for scrap? That really is the question.
The question is, once the majority of Americans know the truth, what are we going to DO ABOUT IT? Who's willing to risk their lives to storm the White House gates like the citizens of Venezuela did to remove the coupe that took over that country?
If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water it will immediately leap out. If you drop a frog in a lukewarm pot of water and slowly heat it to boil, the frog will casually swim around until it is boiled. The U.S. citizens are frogs in a lukewarm pot of water, and the fire has been lit.
Will we act before our country is gutted and sold for scrap? That really is the question.
The question is, once the majority of Americans know the truth, what are we going to DO ABOUT IT? Who's willing to risk their lives to storm the White House gates like the citizens of Venezuela did to remove the coupe that took over that country?
If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water it will immediately leap out. If you drop a frog in a lukewarm pot of water and slowly heat it to boil, the frog will casually swim around until it is boiled. The U.S. citizens are frogs in a lukewarm pot of water, and the fire has been lit.
Will we act before our country is gutted and sold for scrap? That really is the question.
If by left wing, you mean hard working folks who don't have a nickel, you're way off base. If it is the Elite and coddled offspring of the Elite and coddled, that are assumed to be "Democrats" ...well ...right on target. All of the leftists I have ever known or heard about have been poor and struggling workers.. (Karl Marks comes to mind.) The elite have run this world since before the first city was built. The left have always been the ones to oppose and correct the paths of those maddened with power.
Twenty Million Soviets died in WWII, more communists died in the "camps" than Jews ...until late 1944. That is the fate of the left,... to die at the hand of the Power Mad Elite. 911--- Yeah Built for your viewing pleasure.
A lot people are in either the first stage (ridicule) or second stage (violent rage) of accepting the truth about 911. I find it hilarious that the clowns at daily kos refer to this as tin foil, yet have 20 million other conspiracy theories like A is a troll, and person A who lives in New York, is also person B who lives in Colorado.
What is comes down to is both of the main parties do nothing but fight class war fare against the poor, for the corporate terrorists. This is why I encourage people to join the Green Party or at least why I tell people to take a stand against Democrats even if they are progressive ( It is because the Democrats are simply are party like the rethugs to further lies.
I am with you (and not just about 9/11) - now what do we do about it?
Please visit my blog:
"Yes, 9/11 WAS an inside job. The collapse of 7 World Trade Center at 5:20PM makes that perfectly clear to anyone that cares to LOOK."
The rest of us actually prefer evidence. I know that's hard for the 9/11 Denial Movement to contemplate but, yes, evidence is what we trust.
Since you all haven't come up with even a single srap of evidence that the WTC towers were blown up, or that "9/11 was an inside job", one can only conclude that you are very stupid people or that, as with all Deniers in history, you only have a political motive to misrepresent the truth.
And George Washington knows perfectly well what I am talking about. He is, after all, a hapless 9/11 Denier who cannot bring himself to write an honest, logical essay.
It is the nature of The 9/11 Denial Movement.
The government story is a lie
People can easily learn the 9/11 suppressed facts
It turns out that the lies by the government about 9/11 have been known for years by many people. It is simply that up until now, the mainstream media has refused to touch this issue with a 10 foot pole. It is up to people to do their own research on this. The facts are easy to find. Go to
to learn about the facts. See Professor Griffin's C-SPAN lecture there. Then see 9/11 Revisited. The cover-up continues because the government and the mainstream media are hiding the facts from the American people, and most Americans have not looked at the facts about 9/11 from any reputable non-mainstream sources. All it takes to learn the facts is an hour or two, much less time than the hundreds of hours most people have already spent watching the mainstream media cover 9/11. Go to and watch those two videos and then post what you think.
The government story is a lie
People can easily learn the 9/11 suppressed facts
It turns out that the lies by the government about 9/11 have been known for years by many people. It is simply that up until now, the mainstream media has refused to touch this issue with a 10 foot pole. It is up to people to do their own research on this. The facts are easy to find. Go to
to learn about the facts. See Professor Griffin's C-SPAN lecture there. Then see 9/11 Revisited. The cover-up continues because the government and the mainstream media are hiding the facts from the American people, and most Americans have not looked at the facts about 9/11 from any reputable non-mainstream sources. All it takes to learn the facts is an hour or two, much less time than the hundreds of hours most people have already spent watching the mainstream media cover 9/11. Go to and watch those two videos and then post what you think.
"The facts are easy to find. Go to
to learn about the facts."
There are no facts there. All that exists there is already-debunked nonsense.
But you 9/11 deniers already know that.
S.O. wrote:
Will we act before our country is gutted and sold for scrap? That really is the question.
It`s not about your country only but about the whole world!
S. King,
"yes, evidence is what we trust"
And yet you trust a government that destroyed evidence when it shipped the steel from the towers off to Asia to be melted down, you trust a government that confiscated and refuses to make public tapes showing what hit the pentagon?
Stop defending criminals. You'll feel better about yourself. I promise.
anonymous wrote,
"Pull your head out--you mean evidence like peer reviewed thermate residue in the steel remnants--or firfighters and police witnesses and tv reporters who heard secondary explosions--or how about 3 steel framed buildings collapsing from fires at free fall speed--never before and never since--there are hundreds more-"
That was a good illustration of the thinking of you 9/11 Deniers:
1) Residue can be different natural processes - as has already been shown.
2) "Hearing explosions" is evidence of explosives, and no one saw explosives nor has any evidence been produced that explosives were used.
3)And the lie that any or all of the three WTC towers fell anywhere near free-fall speed has been thoroughly debunked almost 5 years ago, yet you would deliberately lie about it.
This is the nature of 9/11 Deniers - to deny irrefutable evidence for their own ends, no different than the Holocaust Deniers that preceeded you.
One day you will apologize to all of us for lying.
Isn't this precious.
S. King wrote:
1) Residue can be different natural processes - as has already been shown.
Please do pay attention to some of the things that Steven Jones, physics professor at BYU, is saying. His methods are scientific and his results are damning.
Again from S. King:
2) "Hearing explosions" is evidence of explosives, and no one saw explosives nor has any evidence been produced that explosives were used.
Yes, hearing explosions is in fact evidence of explosives. But I must take exception to your assertion that no one saw explosives. In fact anyone who has seen the collapses of the north and south towers has seen evidence of explosives. Those towers exploded into huge balls of debris. To call what all have witnessed anything but explosions is simply to deny reality.
Saving the best for last, once again S. King:
3)And the lie that any or all of the three WTC towers fell anywhere near free-fall speed has been thoroughly debunked almost 5 years ago, yet you would deliberately lie about it.
Several hundreds of years ago the lie that the world was round was thoroughly debunked by people who insisted that the world was flat Doh!! But then they were proven wrong when people with evidence and reason explained things. So . . .
Please if you would, include a link to, or if you could, explain it yourself, the reasoning that "thoroughly debunked almost 5 years ago" the idea that the towers did not fall close to free fall speed. Please start with building seven. I measure 6.5 seconds total for its collapse. Physics tells me that a brick in a vacuum would fall in 5.9 seconds.
I am really interested in seeing your precious reasoning here.
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