Where's the Remote Control?
Some writers have claimed that the 9/11 hijacked airplanes were flown by remote control. So far, nothing has convinced me that the airplanes were controlled remotely.
However, as demonstrated below, the technology did in fact exist to control commercial airplanes by remote control as of September 11, 2001:
One day after 9/11, an article appeared on the top science and technology news service stating "hijackings could be halted in progress with existing technologies, say aviation researchers". The article quoted a transportation expert as saying:
And Boeing states of its 757-200 (the type of airplane which slammed into the Pentagon), "A fully integrated flight management computer system (FMCS) provides for automatic guidance and control of the 757-200 from immediately after takeoff to final approach and landing."
In fact, before 9/11, remote-controlled planes could fly up to 8600 miles (from the April 24, 2001 edition of Britain's International Television News)
Indeed, more than 40 years ago, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff suggested shooting down a military drone airplane, pretending it was a real airplane, and then blaming the attack on the Cubans as a way to justify an invasion of Cuba. See also this searchable html version of the relevant documents.
And airplanes could be flown by remote-control least as far back as 1944, as demonstrated by this secret mission by President John F. Kennedy's older brother involving the remote-control flying of a bomb-laden airplane to attack German targets inside France.
Moreover, sophisticated remote control systems were developed before 9/11 which could override manual piloting and which could, potentially, guide numerous planes simultaneously.
It is also alleged that "NORAD (the North American Air Defense Command) had at its disposal a number of U.S. Air Force General Dynamics F-106 Delta Dart fighter aircraft configured to be remotely flown into combat as early as 1959 under the auspices of a program know as SAGE. These aircraft could be started, taxied, taken off, flown into combat, fight, and return to a landing entirely by remote control, with the only human intervention needed being to fuel and re-arm them."
And coincidentally, Fox TV ran a fictional drama 6 months before 9/11, in which the U.S. government intended to fly a plane into the World Trade Center via remote control and blame it on terrorists.
So it is beyond doubt that the hijacked planes could have been controlled remotely. Were they?
Well, it is indeed odd that the guy who supposedly flew a huge Boeing 757 into the Pentagon with the skill of a military jet fighter reportedly "could not fly at all". Strange, indeed.
But I am still waiting for convincing proof.
See also this and this.
However, as demonstrated below, the technology did in fact exist to control commercial airplanes by remote control as of September 11, 2001:
One day after 9/11, an article appeared on the top science and technology news service stating "hijackings could be halted in progress with existing technologies, say aviation researchers". The article quoted a transportation expert as saying:
"Most modern aircraft have some form of autopilot that could be re-programmed to ignore commands from a hijacker and instead take direction from the ground . . . ."See also this article, in which the former head of British Airways "suggested . . . that aircraft could be commandeered from the ground and controlled remotely in the event of a hijack."
And Boeing states of its 757-200 (the type of airplane which slammed into the Pentagon), "A fully integrated flight management computer system (FMCS) provides for automatic guidance and control of the 757-200 from immediately after takeoff to final approach and landing."
In fact, before 9/11, remote-controlled planes could fly up to 8600 miles (from the April 24, 2001 edition of Britain's International Television News)
Indeed, more than 40 years ago, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff suggested shooting down a military drone airplane, pretending it was a real airplane, and then blaming the attack on the Cubans as a way to justify an invasion of Cuba. See also this searchable html version of the relevant documents.
And airplanes could be flown by remote-control least as far back as 1944, as demonstrated by this secret mission by President John F. Kennedy's older brother involving the remote-control flying of a bomb-laden airplane to attack German targets inside France.
Moreover, sophisticated remote control systems were developed before 9/11 which could override manual piloting and which could, potentially, guide numerous planes simultaneously.
It is also alleged that "NORAD (the North American Air Defense Command) had at its disposal a number of U.S. Air Force General Dynamics F-106 Delta Dart fighter aircraft configured to be remotely flown into combat as early as 1959 under the auspices of a program know as SAGE. These aircraft could be started, taxied, taken off, flown into combat, fight, and return to a landing entirely by remote control, with the only human intervention needed being to fuel and re-arm them."
And coincidentally, Fox TV ran a fictional drama 6 months before 9/11, in which the U.S. government intended to fly a plane into the World Trade Center via remote control and blame it on terrorists.
So it is beyond doubt that the hijacked planes could have been controlled remotely. Were they?
Well, it is indeed odd that the guy who supposedly flew a huge Boeing 757 into the Pentagon with the skill of a military jet fighter reportedly "could not fly at all". Strange, indeed.
But I am still waiting for convincing proof.
See also this and this.

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Hey George' (pronounced hor-hey) ;-)
Here's my take, if those 3 planes did indeed hit their targets (WTC,Pentagon), someone would have a hard time convincing me that those lousy hijacker pilots flew them in so precise! That's why I think a lot of 9/11 skeptics who believe the 3 planes did crash, believe remote control was involved.
Also, for 9/11 skeptics who don't believe the planes really crashed, some believe remote control was involved with taking over the planes and flying them to their true destination whether that was to a secret airstrip, or out to sea.
Lastly, yes some 9/11 skeptics don't believe any remote control was necessary because according to the BTS, most planes didn't even exist!
SomeBigGuy: Thanks for the great point -- I've added the Northwoods reference.
jonathanc: Do you have a cite for the 7gs?
Killtown: Did you see this one: http://georgewashington.blogspot.com/2005/12/pumped-up.html
it should be pointed out that most of the analyses of the pentagon strike show that it could not have been the 757, so whatever it WAS, there couldn't have been islamic highjackers piloting it. following that line of reasoning, either there was an american kamikazee pilot willing to die for our freedoms, or it would have to be a remote control operation. as well, photos of an engine recovered from the south tower impact reveal that it was a 737, not a 767. if that is true then there were no islamic highjackers in that plane either, so again, either it was John Q. kamikazee, or remote control. if I had any money I would say that my money is on remote control.
It's not only because the alleged hijackers were described as lousy pilots, it was totally impossible to fly planes from 30.000 ft height to their targets without a tracking signal.
Another shill story from the ZioNazi idiots
"Killtown: Did you see this one: /2005/12/pumped-up.html"
Yes I did, great page! Hani, the pilot-challenged steroids freak! I mentioned that on my site too.
Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. (JFK's brother) died in 1944 aboard a plane that was to be remote controlled.
On the 31st July 1944 a U.S.N. special air unit, codenamed Project Anvil, moved to Fersfield from Dunkeswell in Devon. The mission was to involve the use of explosive-laden PB4Y-1 Liberator bombers under radio control. The crew of two, Lt Joe Kennedy (pilot), and Lt. Wilford John Willy (radio control technician/co-pilot), were to take off with 21,150 lbs of Torpex in 347 boxes and establish radio control of the Liberator by a Ventura mother-ship. Once full control was established and tested, at a pre-determined point the crew would parachute from the aircraft through the nose wheel bay emergency exit and the bomber would continue the rest of its mission under radio control, finally crashing onto the target.
PB4Y-1 Liberator Radio Controlled Drone
Distribution of Explosive
Link for the information that I provided above: http://www.aviationmuseum.net/Joe_Kennedy.htm
Killtown lists 3 categories of 9/11 skeptics. I am in a sub-category of the first. Something that looked and sounded like a plane hit WTC1 , but it wasn't AA11(never took off) and could only have been a missile in a heavily armoured shell.
Something MAY have hit WTC2 but it went in like a knife through butter and left no trace of an exit hole.
Again , it wasn't a jumbo jet.
That is the only intelluctually honest poition I can take.
This is relatively simple. Not one corpse of any of the 266 alleged people on those planes, including the passengers/"terrorists," the flight crews, or the pilots, has ever been recovered and/or identified from any one of the crash sights. No remains have ever been returned to the "grieving relatives" (who, given the amazing discrepancies in the released passengers lists, are almost certainly government plants -- at least the ones that were interviewed by the same media that sold Americans this fairy tale.)
Time to sharpen Occam's Razor. If you don't find any corpses, there were no people on the planes. The Pentagon is the one that really stands out, due to the fact that there was minimal damage. Not only were there no passenger corpses found, there was no luggage. And by the way, there was no 757!
This should nail it for good. Ellen Mariani was told that her husband lost his life on "Flight 175." She got her hands on a passenger list for the flight, and has spent five years searching for relatives of any of the other 64 people listed as having been on that flight. She's come up snake eyes. There's only one plausible explanation for this. There are no relatives, because the names are fake. The planes THAT HIT THE BUILDINGS were absolutely remote-controlled.
This comment is certainly late, but it's been five and a half years now. Anybody that can still believe one word of this asinine story out of the pieholes of the lying, murdering traitors in DC, or their Zionist supporters in the "mainstream" media, needs to be pinned to the ground and sterilized with a soldering iron.
My guess is the remote controls were in Guiliani's emergency room and were whisked away for a burial at sea with the rest of the evidence. They would hide this remote devise because it would make them appear suspicious and guilty. I doubt Cheney shot them into the Towers because he was too far away. However, someone on a control deck with a window view from across the street inside WTC 7 would be able to direct the planes directly into the Twin Towers and guarantee a successful mission - a Mission Accomplished scenario.
Cheney was doing so remote control ops in the bunker as has been documented. He probably ordered missles to shoot the perfectly round hole in the Pentagon that left no traces of any wing penetration. The remote systems he used should be perfectly intact.
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