Able Danger is a Red Herring
Recent revelations concerning Able Danger, the U.S. government program which identified later-named hijackers more than a year before 9/11, are a red herring. Specifically, they are an attempt to take the wind out of the growing 9/11 truth movement and to divert attention from the growing public awareness that 9/11 was an inside job. In propaganda language, Able Danger is a "limited hang out".
Why? Because Able Danger is receiving tremendous press, and yet it feeds into the "incompetence" theory of 9/11 -- Bush and the administration were negligent in failing to see the signs and follow the leads that would have prevented 9/11 -- instead of addressing the fact that the towers were brought down by controlled demolition or that the U.S. military was intentionally "stood down" through the use of multiple war games, the injection of false radar blips onto air traffic controllers' screens, etc.
However, that doesn't mean that -- if people bring up Able Danger -- we can't use it to our advantage. Specifically, in discussing Able Danger, some heavyweights are questioning the 9/11 Commission. For example:
Former FBI Director Louis Freeh said there was a "cover up" by the Commission, and he understood why the 9/11 families were calling for a new commission
Representative Chris Shays (R-CT), the Chair of the 9/11 Caucus and the Gov't Reform Subcommitee on National Security and Emerging Threats, said "If this wasn't reported by the Commission, what else wasn't reported." (CQ Weekly, Aug. 12)]
And Lt. Col Anthony Shaffer (Bronze Star recipient and Able Danger Liaison) said "Plus the 9/11 Commission may not have 'connected the dots' as completely as they could and should have - and that is my concern - and the concern of others working this issue - what else have we missed? Where else are we vulnerable? Was there an effort to ignore specific information? Why is there the appearance of a cover-up?"
Moreover, the efforts by 9/11 Commissioners themselves to smear the people leaking the Able Danger story shows that the Commission was never interested in the truth of what happened on 9/11, and will viciously attack anyone who questions the "official" 9/11 story.
In other words, the fact that "pillars of the establishment" are questioning the 9/11 Commission may help to discredit that cover-up operation. Once the main disinfo effort is discredited, maybe Americans will start engaging their brains in thinking about what really happened on 9/11.
So those spreading 9/11 truth should not raise Able Danger -- it is a red herring and a limited hang out (and anyone pushing Able Danger to the exclusion of more important 9/11 facts may be part of the disinfo effort). But if someone else raises Able Danger, you can use it as a bridge to talk about the real 9/11 issues: seize the opportunity to respond by pointing out that even the former FBI director has acknowledged that the 9/11 Commission engaged in a cover up, that prominent congressmen have said the Commission missed many other and more important facts and will smear anyone who brings up such facts, and THEN launch into what those facts are: controlled demolition of the world trade centers; the intentional and very active stand-down of the U.S. military, etc.
This is information judo: if the opponent tries to poke you in the eye to blind you, use his own motion to flip him on his back.
Why? Because Able Danger is receiving tremendous press, and yet it feeds into the "incompetence" theory of 9/11 -- Bush and the administration were negligent in failing to see the signs and follow the leads that would have prevented 9/11 -- instead of addressing the fact that the towers were brought down by controlled demolition or that the U.S. military was intentionally "stood down" through the use of multiple war games, the injection of false radar blips onto air traffic controllers' screens, etc.
However, that doesn't mean that -- if people bring up Able Danger -- we can't use it to our advantage. Specifically, in discussing Able Danger, some heavyweights are questioning the 9/11 Commission. For example:
Former FBI Director Louis Freeh said there was a "cover up" by the Commission, and he understood why the 9/11 families were calling for a new commission
Representative Chris Shays (R-CT), the Chair of the 9/11 Caucus and the Gov't Reform Subcommitee on National Security and Emerging Threats, said "If this wasn't reported by the Commission, what else wasn't reported." (CQ Weekly, Aug. 12)]
And Lt. Col Anthony Shaffer (Bronze Star recipient and Able Danger Liaison) said "Plus the 9/11 Commission may not have 'connected the dots' as completely as they could and should have - and that is my concern - and the concern of others working this issue - what else have we missed? Where else are we vulnerable? Was there an effort to ignore specific information? Why is there the appearance of a cover-up?"
Moreover, the efforts by 9/11 Commissioners themselves to smear the people leaking the Able Danger story shows that the Commission was never interested in the truth of what happened on 9/11, and will viciously attack anyone who questions the "official" 9/11 story.
In other words, the fact that "pillars of the establishment" are questioning the 9/11 Commission may help to discredit that cover-up operation. Once the main disinfo effort is discredited, maybe Americans will start engaging their brains in thinking about what really happened on 9/11.
So those spreading 9/11 truth should not raise Able Danger -- it is a red herring and a limited hang out (and anyone pushing Able Danger to the exclusion of more important 9/11 facts may be part of the disinfo effort). But if someone else raises Able Danger, you can use it as a bridge to talk about the real 9/11 issues: seize the opportunity to respond by pointing out that even the former FBI director has acknowledged that the 9/11 Commission engaged in a cover up, that prominent congressmen have said the Commission missed many other and more important facts and will smear anyone who brings up such facts, and THEN launch into what those facts are: controlled demolition of the world trade centers; the intentional and very active stand-down of the U.S. military, etc.
This is information judo: if the opponent tries to poke you in the eye to blind you, use his own motion to flip him on his back.

I'm not totally convinced. Able Danger, Phoenix memos, Rowley, John O'Neill- all indicated the same direction. A top down cover-up.
Maybe it should originally deflect some attention from the real issues, but that seems to be an score on own goal.
PS: Keep on your excellent work!
The circuitous route of the forged "yellow cake" documents is an indication of criminal intent. The misleading photographs of supposed Al Qaeda training camps in Iraq, Powell's speech lifted from an on-line essay, deception regarding Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction, the outing of a covert C.I.A. operative and many other incidents reveal a pattern of criminal behavior. It reveals a pattern of behavior that began prior to 9/11.
Two major events occurred prior to 9/11 that complete the circle. World opinion turned against Israel due to its oppression of the Palestinians, and economists in the U.S. predicted a major economic crisis unless the economy received major stimulus from the only thing they knew stimulated the economy in the past - world war.
The economic collapse was referred to as the World War II stimulus finally running out of steam.
Creating hatred toward the Arab world might solve both problems, but there needed to be an event of major proportion to galvanize the American people's animosity toward the Arab world to sustain a long ungoing war.
9/11 provided the necessary anger, hatred and desire for revenge.
The tools for the call to war were fear, revenge and racism.
9/11 conveniently and coincidentally provided the necessary atmosphere to bring the goals of reversing the anti-Israeli sentiment in the world and reversing the approaching economic crisis.
9/11 was not a single random event by angry Arabs, it was part of an over-all plan.
The current administration and in fact the leadership outside the administration who believed that war was the only solution to the negative situation building against the U.S. and Israel received the gift of 9/11.
Since I am not a superstitious person I believe that events occur due to causal relationships, not independent and random fortuitous events. Therefore 9/11 fits very neatly into the goals of the leadership inside and outside of our country who sought a solution to the U.S. losing its grasp on hegemony. 9/11 was a necessary component to the overall plan of restoring the country's economic might, and the regaining control over a worsening situation in the MidEast. All the events coming together to bring the U.S. to war are too neatly tied to each other for any of the circumstances to be merely coincidental.
I don't agree that Able-Danger is bad news. I happen to be fully aware of how difficult it will be to get the Average Joe to even pay attention to the anomalies of 9/11, and this is a START in that direction.
Yes, this basically is Weldon tripping over an obvious "setting up of the patsies." But I don't see it at all as a move towards the LIHOP argument, or even an incompetance cover story. We're not talking about al-Qaeda files "getting lost", we're talking about WILLFUL DESTRUCTION OF TONS OF DATA. Following that, we have an obvious campaign of personal destruction against Anthony Shafer.
Let's be thankful SOMEONE in Congress is saying SOMETHING to point out some of the lies. This can get legs and lead to more revalations. Weldon is passionate and driven at this point.
Thank you for this. You are the first person I have encountered who shares my perception of this. It's a "revelation" whose real purpose seems to be to get those Arab names back in the spotlight, now that Israel is getting some heat.
I feel the same way about Mike Ruppert's expose of Cheney's 9-11 "War Games." Take the heat off dumbya. Why did it take so long to get this out? There's Ruppert's penchant for grandstanding from a position of arrogance and superciliousness supported by secrecy, but myself, I suspect it took that long to forge the supporting documents.
Call me Cynical
Thank you for this. You are the first person I have encountered who shares my perception of this. It's a "revelation" whose real purpose seems to be to get those Arab names back in the spotlight, now that Israel is getting some heat.
I feel the same way about Mike Ruppert's expose of Cheney's 9-11 "War Games." Take the heat off dumbya. Why did it take so long to get this out? There's Ruppert's penchant for grandstanding from a position of arrogance and superciliousness supported by secrecy, but myself, I suspect it took that long to forge the supporting documents.
Call me Cynical
The Former Able Danger Co, Capt. Phillpott is not a good person. I understand that he is currently under a Naval Inpsector General investigation for becoming an accessory to violation of the civil rights of a African-American sailor onboard the USS Leyte Gulf.
I also understand that The NAVY IG's and COMNAVSURFLANT are trying to White Wash the results to help Capt. Phillpott and ruin the African American sailor to save any reputation that Capt. Scott Jon Phillpott has left.
If he commited the crime then why are the NAVY IGs and COMNAVSURFLANT committing perjury for him. Double standards are illegal.
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