Do Justice
If you are Christian or Jewish, the importance of the Bible may be obvious to you.
If you are not, please note that 85% of the American population identifies itself as Christian, and millions more identify themselves as Jewish. Therefore, if you are trying to reach Americans with 9/11 truth, it might help to know a little about the Bible. If you can quote scripture, you may more easily reach people who might not otherwise listen.
9/11 Is a Religious Issue
As prominent former professor of theology David Ray Griffin has pointed out:
"on September 13, [President Bush] declared that the following day would be a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance for the Victims of the Terrorist Attacks. And on that next day, the president himself, surrounded by Billy Graham, a cardinal, a rabbi, and an imam, delivered a sermon in the national cathedral, saying:
'Our responsibility to history is already clear: to answer these attacks and rid the world of Evil. War has been waged against us by stealth and deceit and murder. . . . [W]e ask almighty God to watch over our nation, and grant us patience and resolve in all that is to come. . . . And may He always guide our country. God bless America.'
Through this unprecedented event, in which the president of the United States issued a declaration of war from a cathedral, French author Thierry Meyssan observed in 2002, 'the American government consecrated . . . its version of events. From then on, any questioning of the official truth would be seen as sacrilege.'"
(From 9/11: The Myth and the Reality; see also 9/11 and the American Empire:How Should Religious People Respond?)
Because 9/11 has been framed as a religious issue by President Bush and others, and because the overwhelming majority of Americans are Christian, we may more easily re-frame 9/11 as an issue of justice by looking to the Bible.
Do Justice
The Bible mentions justice over 200 times -- more than just about any other topic. The Bible asks us to do justice and to stand up to ANYONE -- including powerful leaders -- who do injustice or oppress the people.
Indeed, one of the first things God asks of us is to do justice:
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8)
While many churches and synagogues have become obsessed with other issues, they have ignored this most important of God's demands of us. As pointed out by a leading Christian ministry, which rescues underage girls trapped as sex slaves in third world countries:
"In Scripture there is a constant call to seek justice. Jesus got upset at the Pharisees because they neglected the weightier matters of the law, which He defined as justice and the love of God . . . Isaiah 58 complains about the fact that while the people of God are praying and praying and praying, they are not doing anything about the injustice."
Should Christians pray for justice and leave the rest to God? NO! We are God's hands for dispensing justice, and God uses us to "administer justice." (Hebrews 11:33) . We have to "walk our talk" and put our prayers into action.
God demands that we do everything in our power to act as "God's hands" in bringing justice. And as Saint Augustine reminds us, "Charity is no substitute for justice withheld."
Please reflect on the following Scripture:
'The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice. He saw that there was no one, He was appalled that there was no one to intervene.' (Isaiah 59:15-16) (this is the only place where the word appalled is used for the way God feels -- in other words, the only thing which we know God is appalled by is if people are not doing justice)
"Blessed are they who maintain justice . . . ." (Psalm 106:3)
"This is what the LORD says: Maintain justice and do what is right . . . ." (Isiah 56:1)
"This is what the LORD says: Do what is just and right." (Jeremiah 22:3,13-17)
"Follow justice and justice alone.” (Deuteronomy 16:19, 20)
"For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice . . . ." (Job 11:5,7)
"Learn to do right! Seek justice . . . ." (Isaiah 1:17)
There are hundreds of other references to justice in the Bible.
Might Makes . . .
Does might make right? It might be tempting to think so. But would a terrorist be right because he can blow up a marketplace? Obviously, the answer is no. The ability to kill does not make one right.
Likewise, the Pharoah of Egypt was the most powerful man in the empire. Did that make him right when he refused to release slaves? Again, the answer is clearly no.
What About Romans 13?
Some people argue that Romans 13 states that Christians must submit to government authority, since the government is divinely empowered and sustained. This is actually the argument which Adolph Hitler used in order to convince the German churches to follow him and his policies.
However, Romans 13 does not teach subservience. Rather, as explained by a Baptist minister, it teaches that any government that is a "terror to good works" is acting beyond its authority and must be resisted.
Therefore, if elements of the U.S. government participated in the 9/11 attacks, then Romans 13 compels us to remove such elements from power.
What Does Justice have to Do with 9/11?
It is clear that the Bible requires us to seek justice even against the high and mighty. Moses obtained justice -- freeing the slaves -- from the Pharaoh, the highest and mightiest person in the entire Egyptian empire.
Likewise, we should -- and we are actually REQUIRED by God -- to bring the perpetrators of 9-11 to justice -- no matter who they are or what station in life they hold.
Justice can only done after the truth is determined. How can a judge render a fair judgment if he hasn't heard all of the facts? And it would clearly be unjust to convict the wrong people. Judgment can only be rendered after the true perpetrators of the crime are determined.
Therefore, no stone should be left unturned in determining the truth. Especially as to a crime as monumental and horrible as 9/11.
It is our duty to do justice, but only after learning the full story and learning who is really guilty of the crime. Once we have found out, we must bring the 9/11 perpetrators to justice, whether they be janitors or kings, no matter what country they live in. That is our sacred duty as people of faith.
And please remember that even if a person calls herself religious, we must judge that person by her deeds and the fruits of her labor. Even if a person is a Christian or Jewish leader, please remember the Biblical warning:
"Beware of false prophets . . ." (Matthew 7:15)
For we must be God's hands and do his justice against ALL those who commit evil acts, no matter what they may call themselves.
Afterword: numerous prominent ministers and Christian theologians have called for all of the facts behind 9/11 to be revealed. And prominent Jewish scholars and rabbis have gone on record saying that doing justice in connection with 9/11 has the power to bring positive, lasting change to our nation and to our world.
If you are not, please note that 85% of the American population identifies itself as Christian, and millions more identify themselves as Jewish. Therefore, if you are trying to reach Americans with 9/11 truth, it might help to know a little about the Bible. If you can quote scripture, you may more easily reach people who might not otherwise listen.
9/11 Is a Religious Issue
As prominent former professor of theology David Ray Griffin has pointed out:
"on September 13, [President Bush] declared that the following day would be a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance for the Victims of the Terrorist Attacks. And on that next day, the president himself, surrounded by Billy Graham, a cardinal, a rabbi, and an imam, delivered a sermon in the national cathedral, saying:
'Our responsibility to history is already clear: to answer these attacks and rid the world of Evil. War has been waged against us by stealth and deceit and murder. . . . [W]e ask almighty God to watch over our nation, and grant us patience and resolve in all that is to come. . . . And may He always guide our country. God bless America.'
Through this unprecedented event, in which the president of the United States issued a declaration of war from a cathedral, French author Thierry Meyssan observed in 2002, 'the American government consecrated . . . its version of events. From then on, any questioning of the official truth would be seen as sacrilege.'"
(From 9/11: The Myth and the Reality; see also 9/11 and the American Empire:How Should Religious People Respond?)
Because 9/11 has been framed as a religious issue by President Bush and others, and because the overwhelming majority of Americans are Christian, we may more easily re-frame 9/11 as an issue of justice by looking to the Bible.
Do Justice
The Bible mentions justice over 200 times -- more than just about any other topic. The Bible asks us to do justice and to stand up to ANYONE -- including powerful leaders -- who do injustice or oppress the people.
Indeed, one of the first things God asks of us is to do justice:
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8)
While many churches and synagogues have become obsessed with other issues, they have ignored this most important of God's demands of us. As pointed out by a leading Christian ministry, which rescues underage girls trapped as sex slaves in third world countries:
"In Scripture there is a constant call to seek justice. Jesus got upset at the Pharisees because they neglected the weightier matters of the law, which He defined as justice and the love of God . . . Isaiah 58 complains about the fact that while the people of God are praying and praying and praying, they are not doing anything about the injustice."
Should Christians pray for justice and leave the rest to God? NO! We are God's hands for dispensing justice, and God uses us to "administer justice." (Hebrews 11:33) . We have to "walk our talk" and put our prayers into action.
God demands that we do everything in our power to act as "God's hands" in bringing justice. And as Saint Augustine reminds us, "Charity is no substitute for justice withheld."
Please reflect on the following Scripture:
'The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice. He saw that there was no one, He was appalled that there was no one to intervene.' (Isaiah 59:15-16) (this is the only place where the word appalled is used for the way God feels -- in other words, the only thing which we know God is appalled by is if people are not doing justice)
"Blessed are they who maintain justice . . . ." (Psalm 106:3)
"This is what the LORD says: Maintain justice and do what is right . . . ." (Isiah 56:1)
"This is what the LORD says: Do what is just and right." (Jeremiah 22:3,13-17)
"Follow justice and justice alone.” (Deuteronomy 16:19, 20)
"For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice . . . ." (Job 11:5,7)
"Learn to do right! Seek justice . . . ." (Isaiah 1:17)
There are hundreds of other references to justice in the Bible.
Might Makes . . .
Does might make right? It might be tempting to think so. But would a terrorist be right because he can blow up a marketplace? Obviously, the answer is no. The ability to kill does not make one right.
Likewise, the Pharoah of Egypt was the most powerful man in the empire. Did that make him right when he refused to release slaves? Again, the answer is clearly no.
What About Romans 13?
Some people argue that Romans 13 states that Christians must submit to government authority, since the government is divinely empowered and sustained. This is actually the argument which Adolph Hitler used in order to convince the German churches to follow him and his policies.
However, Romans 13 does not teach subservience. Rather, as explained by a Baptist minister, it teaches that any government that is a "terror to good works" is acting beyond its authority and must be resisted.
Therefore, if elements of the U.S. government participated in the 9/11 attacks, then Romans 13 compels us to remove such elements from power.
What Does Justice have to Do with 9/11?
It is clear that the Bible requires us to seek justice even against the high and mighty. Moses obtained justice -- freeing the slaves -- from the Pharaoh, the highest and mightiest person in the entire Egyptian empire.
Likewise, we should -- and we are actually REQUIRED by God -- to bring the perpetrators of 9-11 to justice -- no matter who they are or what station in life they hold.
Justice can only done after the truth is determined. How can a judge render a fair judgment if he hasn't heard all of the facts? And it would clearly be unjust to convict the wrong people. Judgment can only be rendered after the true perpetrators of the crime are determined.
Therefore, no stone should be left unturned in determining the truth. Especially as to a crime as monumental and horrible as 9/11.
It is our duty to do justice, but only after learning the full story and learning who is really guilty of the crime. Once we have found out, we must bring the 9/11 perpetrators to justice, whether they be janitors or kings, no matter what country they live in. That is our sacred duty as people of faith.
And please remember that even if a person calls herself religious, we must judge that person by her deeds and the fruits of her labor. Even if a person is a Christian or Jewish leader, please remember the Biblical warning:
"Beware of false prophets . . ." (Matthew 7:15)
For we must be God's hands and do his justice against ALL those who commit evil acts, no matter what they may call themselves.
Afterword: numerous prominent ministers and Christian theologians have called for all of the facts behind 9/11 to be revealed. And prominent Jewish scholars and rabbis have gone on record saying that doing justice in connection with 9/11 has the power to bring positive, lasting change to our nation and to our world.

I just want to thank you for your calls to action. I am amazed at the level of apathy seen in the american public today. I know God is with the just and those who do good. Evil will never triumph. We are fighting an american public who is programmed to think the way they do. However, those of us who do know the truth must act or be held accountable for our inaction. Be bold, tell everyone. The more we act, the more God will bless us.
Thank you for your inspiring blog.
Most definately this outlook will help some of us to spread the word to those we know that are that link their christianity to the far right politians. I am christian and so is my mother but we are opposite on politics and I know that she would reject the idea that we have ben lied to about 911. This blog helps by giving me a way to express my concern about this issue to her. I have not hopefully make her think about told her about my research in this area because I know how she will react. However, I do feel now that is is my duty to speak about this even to those that will most likely think I am crazy. I do have my faith to back me up on the quest for truth and justice. This blog really helped me to see in from a new perspective. Thanks for helping me to find a new way to approach the subject.
Would Jesus bomb Iraq? Not surprisingly, I heard someone say yes to that question, and she described herself as Christian. There is a very serious form of mind control at work here to produce such a contradiction. It is just as Orwell said it would be.
Look at those vipers sitting through a chapel service just after 9/11:
It certainly IS a religious issue.
I would invite people to send Christians to the site I'm news editor for, The Watchman report. it is a christian site that has been working to wake up Christians about 9/11 for a year.
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