Government Knew Attacks could be WITHIN the U.S.
Condoleezza Rice and other Bush administration players argue, in response to the revelations about George Tenet's July 2001 briefings of pending attacks, that everyone assumed the warnings were about attacks on U.S. interests outside of the U.S. However, a quick look at the facts undermines this argument:
Richard Ben-Veniste said the following to Condoleezza Rice the following question during her appearance before the 9/11 Commission:
The August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Brief was entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US".
The CIA Director had warned congress shortly before 9/11 "that there could be an attack, an imminent attack, on the United States of this nature. So this is not entirely unexpected" according to a broadcast on National Public Radio
Newsweek stated "On Sept. 10, NEWSWEEK has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns" (pay-per-view; cached version of article here)
It was widely known within the FBI shortly before 9/11 that an imminent attack was planned on lower Manhattan.
An employee who worked in the south tower stated "How could they let this happen? They knew this building was a target. Over the past few weeks we'd been evacuated a number of times, which is unusual. I think they had an inkling something was going on"
And a guard who worked in the world trade center stated that "officials had recently taken steps to secure the towers against aerial attacks"
According to MSNBC, "There have been a slew of reports over the past decade of plots to use planes to strike American targets".
For example, a 1998 report forwarded from the FBI to the Federal Aviation Administration concluded that "a group of unidentified Arabs planned to fly an explosive-laden plane . . . into the World Trade Center".
The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the military air defense agency responsible for protecting the U.S. mainland, had run drills for several years of planes being used as weapons against the World Trade Center and other U.S. high-profile buildings, and "numerous types of civilian and military aircraft were used as mock hijacked aircraft". In other words, drills using REAL AIRCRAFT simulating terrorist attacks crashing jets into buildings, including the twin towers, were run.
And a pre-9/11 National Intelligence Estimate was entitled "Islamic Extremists Learn to Fly", and was apparently about Islamic people taking classes at U.S. flight schools.
So the administration's story that they thought the warnings in the months leading up to 9/11 had to do with U.S. interests outside of the U.S. is not credible.
Richard Ben-Veniste said the following to Condoleezza Rice the following question during her appearance before the 9/11 Commission:
"The extraordinary high terrorist attack threat level in the summer of 2001 is well documented, and Richard Clarke's testimony about the possibility of an attack against the United States homeland was repeatedly discussed from May to August within the intelligence community, and that is well documented. You acknowledged that Richard Clarke told you that Al-Qaeda cells were in the United States.(or watch the video).
The August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Brief was entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US".
The CIA Director had warned congress shortly before 9/11 "that there could be an attack, an imminent attack, on the United States of this nature. So this is not entirely unexpected" according to a broadcast on National Public Radio
Newsweek stated "On Sept. 10, NEWSWEEK has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns" (pay-per-view; cached version of article here)
It was widely known within the FBI shortly before 9/11 that an imminent attack was planned on lower Manhattan.
An employee who worked in the south tower stated "How could they let this happen? They knew this building was a target. Over the past few weeks we'd been evacuated a number of times, which is unusual. I think they had an inkling something was going on"
And a guard who worked in the world trade center stated that "officials had recently taken steps to secure the towers against aerial attacks"
According to MSNBC, "There have been a slew of reports over the past decade of plots to use planes to strike American targets".
For example, a 1998 report forwarded from the FBI to the Federal Aviation Administration concluded that "a group of unidentified Arabs planned to fly an explosive-laden plane . . . into the World Trade Center".
The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the military air defense agency responsible for protecting the U.S. mainland, had run drills for several years of planes being used as weapons against the World Trade Center and other U.S. high-profile buildings, and "numerous types of civilian and military aircraft were used as mock hijacked aircraft". In other words, drills using REAL AIRCRAFT simulating terrorist attacks crashing jets into buildings, including the twin towers, were run.
And a pre-9/11 National Intelligence Estimate was entitled "Islamic Extremists Learn to Fly", and was apparently about Islamic people taking classes at U.S. flight schools.
So the administration's story that they thought the warnings in the months leading up to 9/11 had to do with U.S. interests outside of the U.S. is not credible.

Pre 911 Speech (9/10/2001)
The topic today is an adversary that poses a threat, a serious threat, to the security of the United States of America. This adversary is one of the world's last bastions of central planning. It governs by dictating five-year plans. From a single capital, it attempts to impose its demands across time zones, continents, oceans and beyond. With brutal consistency, it stifles free thought and crushes new ideas.
Perhaps this adversary sounds like the former Soviet Union, but that enemy is gone: our foes are more subtle and implacable today.
The adversary's closer to home. It's the Pentagon bureaucracy.
Just as we must transform America's military capability to meet changing threats, we must transform the way the Department works and what it works on.
Let's make no mistake: The modernization of the Department of Defense is a matter of some urgency. In fact, it could be said that it's a matter of life and death, ultimately, every American's.
That's why we're here today challenging us all to wage an all-out campaign to shift Pentagon's resources from bureaucracy to the battlefield...
We know the adversary. We know the threat. And with the same firmness of purpose that any effort against a determined adversary demands, we must get at it and stay at it.
Some might ask, how in the world could the Secretary of Defense attack the Pentagon in front of its people? To them I reply, I have no desire to attack the Pentagon; I want to liberate it. We need to save it from itself.
Above all, the shift from bureaucracy to the battlefield is a matter of national security.
Business enterprises die if they fail to adapt, and the fact that they can fail and die is what provides the incentive to survive. But governments can't die, so we need to find other incentives for bureaucracy to adapt and improve.
Today's announcements are only the first of many. We will launch others ourselves, and we will ask Congress for legislative help as well.
...this effort demands personal and sustained attention at the highest levels ...leaders are experienced, talented, and determined. I am delighted they are on our team. I would not want to try to stop them from what they came into this Department to do. I expect them to be enormously successful...
To transform the Department, we must look outside this building as well.
Let me conclude with this note. Some may ask, defensively so, will this war on bureaucracy succeed where others have failed? To that I offer three replies. First is ...Change is hard. It's hard for some to bear, and it's hard for all of us to achieve.
...there will be real consequences from, and real resistance to, fundamental change. We have brought people on board who have driven similar change in the private sector. We intend to do so here.
...this effort will succeed because it must. We really have no choice. ...And let there be no mistake, it is a matter of life and death. So today we declare war on bureaucracy...
...there are those who will oppose our every effort ...Well, fine, if there's to be a struggle, so be it. ...if you do something, somebody's not going to like it, so be it. Our assignment is not to try to please everybody. A cab driver in New York City ought to be able to feel...
I have confidence that we can do it. It's going to be hard. There will be rough times. But it's also the best part of life to be engaged in doing something worthwhile.
Every person within earshot wants to be a part... I know it. You know it. Let's get about it.
Remarks as Delivered by Donald H. Rumsfeld, The Pentagon, Monday, September 10, 2001
Donald H. Rumsfeld's Pre 911 Speech
The next morning, September 11, 2001, The Pentagon as well as the WTC Towers in NYC came under attack.
Allow a person to speak -- and listen carefully, they will tip their hand.
Substantial evidence for a space-based enegy weapon:
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Maybe one day , congress will let Sibel Edmonds tell us all what she knows .
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