Neoliberals Are Neither
If you're a liberal, the word "neoliberalism" sounds like a new, better liberalism -- based on liberal social policies, but with a stronger, more realistic twist. Right?
If you're a conservative, you probably assume that a "neoliberal" is a liberal trying to act respectable, maybe a hippie in a business suit. Right?
In reality, neoliberalism is not really liberal. Indeed, neoliberalism is as dissimilar to true liberal politics as neo-conservatism is to true conservative politics (if you don't know it, most leading neoconservatives are former followers of Trotsky communism).
Neoliberalism is, in fact, hostile to many of the things that democrats and liberals hold dear. As Wikipedia puts it:
"In international usage, President Ronald Reagan and the United States Republican Party are seen as leading proponents of neoliberalism. But Reagan was never described in this way in domestic US political discussion, where the term is most commonly applied to moderate Democrats like the Democratic Leadership Council." The DLC is who decides who gets elected on democratic tickets.
Indeed, leading neo-conservative strategist Robert Kagan recently said :
"Until now the liberal West's strategy has been to try to integrate these two powers into the international liberal order, to tame them and make them safe for liberalism."
And as Philip Giraldi writes: “Neoconservatives and neoliberals are really quite similar, so it doesn’t matter who gets elected in 2008. The American public, weary of preemptive attacks, democracy-promotion, and nation-building, will still get war either way”.
So neoconservatives are not conservative and neoliberals are not liberal. But neocons and neolibs are very similar. Neocons are arguably alot more similar to neolibs than to true conservatives; neolibs are more similar to neocons than to real liberals.
Do you get it? Both the republican and democratic party are now run by people with identical agendas: make the big corporations richer and expand the American empire.
There is only one party, which simply puts on different faces depending on which "branch" of the party is in power. If its the democratic branch, there is a slightly liberal social veneer to the mask: a little more funding for social programs, a little more nice guy talk, a little more of a laissez faire attitude towards minorities, and a little more patient push towards military conquest and empire.
If its the republican branch, the mask contains markings invoking conservative Christianity, there's a little more tough guy talk, quicker moves towards military empire, and more centralization of power in the president.
But there is only a single face behind both masks: the face of raw corporatism, greed and yearning for power and empire.
Until Americans stop getting distracted by the republican versus democratic melodrama, America will move steadily forward towards war, empire and -- inevitably as with any country which extends too far -- collapse.
Neoliberalism is neither "new" or liberal. Neoconservativism is neither new or conservative. They are just new labels for a very old agenda: serving the powers-that-be, consolidating power, controlling resources. Whether the iron fist has a velvet glove on it or not, it is still an iron fist.
A true opposition party is needed to counter the never-changing American agenda for military and corporate empire.
The title of this essay focuses on neoliberals since many Americans are already starting to wake up to the true nature of the neoconservatives. The true nature of neoliberalism has remained better hidden.
If you're a conservative, you probably assume that a "neoliberal" is a liberal trying to act respectable, maybe a hippie in a business suit. Right?
In reality, neoliberalism is not really liberal. Indeed, neoliberalism is as dissimilar to true liberal politics as neo-conservatism is to true conservative politics (if you don't know it, most leading neoconservatives are former followers of Trotsky communism).
Neoliberalism is, in fact, hostile to many of the things that democrats and liberals hold dear. As Wikipedia puts it:
"In international usage, President Ronald Reagan and the United States Republican Party are seen as leading proponents of neoliberalism. But Reagan was never described in this way in domestic US political discussion, where the term is most commonly applied to moderate Democrats like the Democratic Leadership Council." The DLC is who decides who gets elected on democratic tickets.
Indeed, leading neo-conservative strategist Robert Kagan recently said :
"Until now the liberal West's strategy has been to try to integrate these two powers into the international liberal order, to tame them and make them safe for liberalism."
And as Philip Giraldi writes: “Neoconservatives and neoliberals are really quite similar, so it doesn’t matter who gets elected in 2008. The American public, weary of preemptive attacks, democracy-promotion, and nation-building, will still get war either way”.
So neoconservatives are not conservative and neoliberals are not liberal. But neocons and neolibs are very similar. Neocons are arguably alot more similar to neolibs than to true conservatives; neolibs are more similar to neocons than to real liberals.
Do you get it? Both the republican and democratic party are now run by people with identical agendas: make the big corporations richer and expand the American empire.
There is only one party, which simply puts on different faces depending on which "branch" of the party is in power. If its the democratic branch, there is a slightly liberal social veneer to the mask: a little more funding for social programs, a little more nice guy talk, a little more of a laissez faire attitude towards minorities, and a little more patient push towards military conquest and empire.
If its the republican branch, the mask contains markings invoking conservative Christianity, there's a little more tough guy talk, quicker moves towards military empire, and more centralization of power in the president.
But there is only a single face behind both masks: the face of raw corporatism, greed and yearning for power and empire.
Until Americans stop getting distracted by the republican versus democratic melodrama, America will move steadily forward towards war, empire and -- inevitably as with any country which extends too far -- collapse.
Neoliberalism is neither "new" or liberal. Neoconservativism is neither new or conservative. They are just new labels for a very old agenda: serving the powers-that-be, consolidating power, controlling resources. Whether the iron fist has a velvet glove on it or not, it is still an iron fist.
A true opposition party is needed to counter the never-changing American agenda for military and corporate empire.
The title of this essay focuses on neoliberals since many Americans are already starting to wake up to the true nature of the neoconservatives. The true nature of neoliberalism has remained better hidden.

A government of the money, by the money and for the money. Very good essay. Spot on.
Well thought out. Well worded.
Hey lets get something straight here!
There is no such thing as a neo-liberal!
People like Thom Hartman are not progressive or Liberal.
He is just the same old lying corporate shill as the rest he is a corporation!!
He and all like him are what I call Pseudo-Progressives.
They like thew look and feel of progressive politics but really don't want anything changed.
They have grown fat and lazy and don't want real change or why would I have had to bring out the truth. There were so many moire qualified like Thom Hartman. why was it left up to me when he knew about it and wrote a book about the fed. Why do I have to fight this war, why didn't he and all the rest of the so called Liberal Progress9ives tell you all I have years ago?
these shill have been in charge of the Democratic Party fro the beginning, see The Money Maasters;
it Tells you how these corporate shills hijacked and destroyed the Democratic process in America.
I will finish this revolt for all. I only win if the world is truly changed for the better.
Just what do all the others get out of it for lying to you all, these years!
Tim Winckler for Zeitgeist
Mods please delete my previous comment, bad spelling! Vista is wanting as an online spell check. Never had this problem with XP.
Hey lets get something straight here!
There is no such thing as a Neo-liberal!
People like Thom Hartman are not Progressive or Liberal inside.
He is just the same old lying corporate shill as the rest, he is a corporation!!
He and all like him are what I call Pseudo-Progressives.
They like the look and feel of progressive politics but really don't want anything changed.
They have grown fat and lazy and don't want real change or why would I have had to bring out the truth. There were so many more qualified like Thom Hartman. Why was it left up to me when he knew about it and wrote a book about the fed? Why do I have to fight this war? Why didn't he and all the rest of the so called Liberal Progress9ives tell you all about it years ago?
These shills have been in charge of the Democratic Party from the beginning, see The Money Masters.
It is a college reference and tells you how these corporate shills hijacked and destroyed the Democratic process in America.
I will finish this revolt for all. I only win if the world is truly changed for the better.
Just what do all the others get out of it for lying to you all, these years!
Tim Winckler for Zeitgeist
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