Anthrax, Congress and the Patriot Act
"Coincidentally", White House staff began taking the anti-anthrax medicine before the Anthrax attacks occurred.
Moreover, the only congress people mailed anthrax-containing letters were key Democrats, and the attacks occurred one week before passage of the freedom-curtailing Patriot Act, which seems to have scared them and the rest of congress into passing that act without even reading it (this is not a partisan issue, since this author believes that party affiliation is not a reliable indicator of loyalty to the Constitution; rather, the senators targeted just happened to pose a threat in 2001 to passage of the Patriot Act).While 9/11 was mainly aimed at the American people, the anthrax attacks were apparently aimed at Congress. Specifically, the bioterror scare appears to have been launched in order to instill sufficient fear and disruption among the few remaining legislators who still honor the Constitution that they would be willing to let the Patriot Act be passed without real analysis or debate.
Think this is all far-fetched to be true? Well, the bioweapons expert who actually drafted the current bioweapons law (the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989) has said that he is convinced the October 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people were perpetrated and covered up by criminal elements of the U.S. government. The motive: to foment a police state by killing off and intimidating opposition to post-9/11 legislation such as the USA PATRIOT Act and the later Military Commissions Act.
Indeed, "The FBI has completely shut Congress out of its now five-year investigation into anthrax attacks on Capitol Hill and around the nation". In other words, Congress -- which legally has every right to know what really happened, and which was the main victim of the attack -- is being kept in the dark. (While many in Congress may be complicit in alot of dastardly deeds, you don't want the victims of a false flag attack to know who really attacked them).
And the authorities have mysteriously failed to investigate the main suspect in the anthrax attacks, yet another indication that the attacks were a false flag misdirection.
Without 9/11, the American public would not have given in to the Bush administration's imperial agenda. Without the anthrax attack, Congress would not have let the Constitution be demolished so quickly. A few legislators would probably have successfully stood against the Patriot Act, or at least demanded that that law be read and analyzed before it was adopted.
While not nearly as many people were killed by the Anthrax attack as by 9/11, the anthrax attack was also an important false flag operation - one aimed directly at Congress.

Left out the main suspect, Dr. Phillip Zack, who was caught entering the anthrax storage area AFTER he was fired for anti-Arab racial attacks on a fellow scientist!
Whatreallyhappened has the story:
Efforts were made to frame an Egyptian bio-researcher and also the letters show crude "jihad" type messages on them in order to blame "Muslims" in general.
There were other possible reasons for these attacks, besides the Patriot Act, as they were also directed at media outlets.
Attempting to link them to Iraq and sending a message to media and congress alike, which is to play along with the official story of 9/11 (conspiracy theories not allowed) and the War on Terror, Iraq, etc., or else.
This was clearly a right wing terrorist attack, since AQ could not have had access to this Anthrax. The group behind it must have had the cooperation of someone in government, and must be protected by the FBI since there is no way they do not break this case open, after all, they solved the 9/11 plot in 48 hrs. LOL.
Not saying it came from the top and that Bush/Cheney knew about it. But those who blew up the Towers were most likely the same guys behind the Anthrax attacks.
There may be a rogue element in the Pentagon or one of the Intelligence agencies behind this.
The government has no choice but to cover up the actions of these rogue elements as exposing it would shake the foundations of our government to it's core, or perhaps those responsible are powerful enough that they fear doing so.
The media simply ignores this by not even asking about the status of the investigation. They must be terrified.
There were other possible reasons for these attacks, besides the Patriot Act, as they were also directed at media outlets.
Attempting to link them to Iraq and sending a message to media and congress alike, which is to play along with the official story of 9/11 (conspiracy theories not allowed) and the War on Terror, Iraq, etc., or else.
This was clearly a right wing terrorist attack, since AQ could not have had access to this Anthrax. The group behind it must have had the cooperation of someone in government, and must be protected by the FBI since there is no way they do not break this case open, after all, they solved the 9/11 plot in 48 hrs. LOL.
Not saying it came from the top and that Bush/Cheney knew about it. But those who blew up the Towers were most likely the same guys behind the Anthrax attacks.
There may be a rogue element in the Pentagon or one of the Intelligence agencies behind this.
The government has no choice but to cover up the actions of these rogue elements as exposing it would shake the foundations of our government to it's core, or perhaps those responsible are powerful enough that they fear doing so.
The media simply ignores this by not even asking about the status of the investigation. They must be terrified.
Some time back, while researching toll roads, I found that virtually all computer chip manufacture had been outsourced to China. That included those used by the military. I filed it away as a really bad idea. Even if untrue, I thought you might find this an interesting read. Kind of Checkmate by greed.ET
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