Structural Engineers Question Collapse of the World Trade Center
One of the arguments that government apologists have used in trying to prop up the official story of why the World Trade Centers came down on 9/11 is that no structural engineers have questioned the government's version of events. However, that is now changing.
The following structural engineers have now publicly challenged the government's account of the destruction of the Trade Centers on 9/11:
A prominent engineer with 55 years experience, in charge of the design of hundreds of major building projects including high rise offices, former member of the California Seismic Safety Commission and former member of the National Institute of Sciences Building Safety Council (Marx Ayres) believes that the World Trade Centers were brought down by controlled demolition (see also this)
Ronald H. Brookman, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Davis, of Novato California
Haluk Akol, Structural Engineer and architect (ret.)
Charles Pegelow, structural engineer, of Houston, Texas (and see this)
Graham John Inman, structural engineer, of London, England
Paul W. Mason, structural engineer, of Melbourne, Australia
Mills M. Kay Mackey, structural engineer, of Denver, Colorado
Dennis Kollar, structural engineer, of West Bend, Wisconsin
Doyle Winterton, structural engineer (retired)
Michael T. Donly, P.E., structural engineer
William Rice, P.E., structural engineer, former professor of Vermont Technical College
When considered along with the other prominent scientists who question 9/11, it becomes impossible for any thinking person to accept at face value the government's version of the destruction of the World Trade Center.
The following structural engineers have now publicly challenged the government's account of the destruction of the Trade Centers on 9/11:
A prominent engineer with 55 years experience, in charge of the design of hundreds of major building projects including high rise offices, former member of the California Seismic Safety Commission and former member of the National Institute of Sciences Building Safety Council (Marx Ayres) believes that the World Trade Centers were brought down by controlled demolition (see also this)
Two professors of structural engineering at a prestigious Swiss university (Dr. Joerg Schneider and Dr. Hugo Bachmann) said that, on 9/11, World Trade Center 7 was brought down by controlled demolition (translation here)
Kamal S. Obeid, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Berkeley, of Fremont, CaliforniaRonald H. Brookman, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Davis, of Novato California
Haluk Akol, Structural Engineer and architect (ret.)
Charles Pegelow, structural engineer, of Houston, Texas (and see this)
Graham John Inman, structural engineer, of London, England
Paul W. Mason, structural engineer, of Melbourne, Australia
Mills M. Kay Mackey, structural engineer, of Denver, Colorado
Dennis Kollar, structural engineer, of West Bend, Wisconsin
Doyle Winterton, structural engineer (retired)
Michael T. Donly, P.E., structural engineer
William Rice, P.E., structural engineer, former professor of Vermont Technical College
When considered along with the other prominent scientists who question 9/11, it becomes impossible for any thinking person to accept at face value the government's version of the destruction of the World Trade Center.
According to USAToday, "U.S. Taxpayers are now "on the hook" for a record $59.1 trillion in liabilities, a 2.3% increase from 2006. That amount is equal to $516,348 for every U.S. household. By comparison, U.S. households owe an average of $112,043 for mortgages, car loans, credit cards and all other debt combined. Unfunded promises made for Medicare, Social Security and federal retirement programs account for 85% of taxpayer liabilities. State and local government retirement plans account for much of the rest. This hidden debt is the amount taxpayers would have to pay immediately to cover government's financial obligations. Like a mortgage, it will cost more to repay the debt over time. Every U.S. household would have to pay about $31,000 a year to do so in 75 years. The Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Board, which sets federal accounting standards, is considering requiring the government to adopt accounting rules similar to those for corporations. The change would move Social Security and Medicare onto the government's income statement and balance sheet, instead of keeping them separate. The White House and the Congressional Budget Office oppose the change, arguing that the programs are not true liabilities because government can cancel or cut them. Chad Stone, chief economist at the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, says it can be misleading to focus on the government's unfunded liabilities because Medicare's financial problems overwhelm the analysis. "There is a shortfall in Medicare and Medicaid that is potentially explosive, but that is related to overall trends in health care spending," he says."
However, according to Walter Burien, who has devoted years to the study of Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, in 1999 ALONE, by investing OUR tax monies, OUR government EARNED a total of 8.5 TRILLION Dollars, AFTER expenses. That's 8.5 TRILLION THEY earned in ONE year on OUR MONEY. Mr. Burien: "Keep in mind, Government only wants you to see one side of the picture; The DEBT. This is so that you will turn your back to the debt in fear or disgust and look the other way. Now, look at how much money OUR Government has to employ, buy off, and CONTROL; the BEST Marketers, Psychologists, Strategists, Takeover Specialists, Entertainment Propagandists, etc. etc. etc. Could it be that OUR very own Government over the last several decades has been promoting to those fortune 500 companies, MANY of which our Government OWNS, through Bond - Loan investment / stock ownership [EXAMPLES: 82% stock ownership of Microsoft Corporation, Disney 61%, AOL - Time Warner 58%, EXXON 72%]
that they should manufacture abroad, so that Government would realize greater returns on their investments of OUR money, at the direct expense of WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE in terms of JOBS and OUR OWN wealth retention,
thus ACCOMPLISHING the laying of the groundwork for "balancing" world wealth, which is the primary foundation block of nothing other than the NEW WORLD ORDER? OUR Government wouldn't do that for a few extra trillions of NON-TAX-INCOME dollars right? Well, sorry to have to break it to you but you're WRONG. In the 60's, most government investment funds were restricted to a cap of 5% to a maximum of 10% invested outside of the USA. By 2000, that restriction has been increased in many a case to over 45% and in some cases no restriction at all per percent of International investments held. Guess who, or should I say "what" made the big overall profit from 911?"
Funny Mr. Burien should ask, since the Dresser company was found legally liable for all Asbestos-related claims, and the Bush family owned large blocks of Dresser stock, but Cheney bailed them out when his company, Halliburton (moving, now, to Dubai to avoid U.S. tax and regulatory obligations) aquired Dresser. Ultimately, the asbestos health liabilitys caused Cheney's Halliburton Co. stock to plummet in value, due to the billions of dollars of asbestos-related lawsuits Halliburton incurred as a result of that aquisition. The WTC Twin Towers were loaded with Asbestos, but GOP appointee Christine Todd Whitman, as head of our U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, deliberately lied about this, allowing the recovery workers at the WTC to continue breathing toxic asbestos-filled air, many of whom have now died from related diseases as a result. The WTC would have cost Halliburton $15 billion to mitigate its asbestos problem in conformity with law. Bush instead touted tort "reform" in a State of The Union speech, specifically singling out the need to eliminate the "Frivolous asbestos lawsuits", just as he forced "reform" of our U.S. Statute Of Limitations for Medical Malpractice actions, thereby reducing the time limitation from 7 years down to 3, effectively stealing millions of Americans current and future health, safety, welfare and well-being, Americans who were or who may be disabled due to malpractice, preventing them from recovering anything, and thus bestowing yet another trillions of dollars gift upon the insurance interests, while disincentivising the Medical profession from responsibility to their own performance. Cheney and Bush thus effectively sold our very American health itself, as if that were something they obtained a legal right to steal along with everything else in our land when they stole our elections.
And yet again, our American health is merely small change to Cheney and Bush and their backers. Simultaneously, budgets for virtually all benefits, public assistance and healthcare were slashed, deliberately convoluted regulations and arbitrary "policys" were promulgated designed to exclude and prevent numerous intentionally marginalized groups from obtaining numerous wage and health insurance coverages both private and public which they had earned and paid for, while obstructions have been emplaced in the form of an ever-growing hydra-headed beurocratic "system", deliberately imposing all manner of virtually impossible to navigate paperwork and "eligibility" "requirements" foisted on the very individuals who by definition are at the very time when they need it most, least able to manage these phenomenally byzantine, intentionally unreasonable and inaccessible "rules" "overseen" by an exploding class of "administrators", who themselves in virtually every case do get the full benefits and insurances which they are quite well-paid to deny the same public they endlessly talk in media promotional material, interminable meetings, and elsewhere of "serving". Here one cannot help but recall Rod Serling's Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man", in which it turns out that hideous Aliens mean by that phrase to literally "Serve Man", on a platter.
The Halliburton windfall and theft of millions of votes, as you may gather, were of course not nearly enough, and like a canape merely whet these honest workmen's appetite, these often not unphotogenic creatures who mildly, almost off-handedly represent themselves as nothing less than paragons of virtue, abstemiousness, family values, selfless public service, charity, probity, prudence and independent small government protectors of patriotic righteousness, despite their penchant for crossdressing, pedophilia, and mind-boggling numbers of zeros after the double, triple, quadruple and quintuple digits of their payoffs, bribes, no-bid contracts, defecits, and of course, body counts, so in addition, WTC Building Number 7, which was not hit by any airplanes in the 9/11 attacks, and which contained thousands if not millions of records relating to Enron, WorldCom and other SEC/DOJ investigations into numerous felony-level corporate frauds ongoing at that time, was also destroyed on 9/11.
Walter Burien again: "You now know the primary reason why Gorbechev went democratic, more money = more control. We showed Gorbachev the blueprint for true communism. In Russia's past, the state openly owned everything. In the USA the state truly owns everything, but through walls of well-masked corporate veils created over the decades. The US Government now has more control over more wealth amassed from the people then old Russia ever thought was possible or ever dreamed about." For the Hegelian ochestrators of our "free" America and world, the function of a Parliament or a Congress is purely psychological; merely to "allow" individuals to feel that their opinions have some value, and to allow government to take advantage of whatever wisdom the 'peasant' may accidentally demonstrate. As their patron saint Hegel put it: "By virtue of this participation, subjective liberty and conceit, with their general opinion, (individuals) can show themselves palpably efficacious and enjoy the satisfaction of feeling themselves to count for something." War, the organized conflict of nations for Hegelians, is merely "the visible outcome of the clash between ideas". Following the outbreak of war in 1939, Social Creditor C.H. Douglas said, "The international money marketeers care no more for the immolation of the peoples of a continent that for the death of a sparrow"; and "Unfortunately the world is in the grasp of theorists to whom misery and death of millions is a grain of sand beside the working out of their designs".
As John Dewey, the Hegelian darling of the modern educational system, expressed this sociopathic view of human beings and life itself: "War is the most effective preacher of the vanity of all merely finite interests, it puts an end to that selfish egoism of the individual by which he would claim his life and his property as his own or as his family's." And here you thought you were so lucky to enjoy free enterprise and own property. Above all, the Hegelian doctrine is the divine right of States as opposed to the mere rights of you or I. The State for these criminals is God on earth: "The march of God in history is the cause of the existence of states, their foundation is the power of Reason realizing itself as will. Every state, whatever it be, participates in the Divine essence. The State is not the work of human art, only Reason could produce it." For Hegel the individual is nothing, the individual has no rights, morality consists solely in following a leader. To psychopathic elitists like The Order in the USA, The Group in the UK, Illuminati in Germany, and the Politburo in Russia, the State is supreme, and a self-appointed elite running the State acting as God on earth. Hence, none other than Monica Goodling.
Have you noticed that on every phone call to every nameless faceless entity, each time we speak to a different stranger who accesses all of our information, yet we know nothing at all about them? But first, we are assured in the most condescending and unctious tones possible that we are being recorded and "may be monitored" to assure us of excellent service and the very highest standard of customer care. And that is exactly what we get: the recorded message, informing us that we are being recorded, and nothing more. No actual excellence. No actual service. No actual standard let alone the highest. And no care, customer or otherwise. The thinktanks have figured out that reality doesn't matter in the least. Just say the word Excellent, get as much information as possible, do nothing, then turn around and market yet again to us, otherwise rip us off, or sell our info to some other pal's outfit. Now that's inspired patriotic American leadership.
Horrendously illegal plans include the already begun widespread human dental and brain implantation of radio-controlled microchips, advanced technological manipulation of earth's natural weather systems and biosphere through electromagnetic HAARP technologys, genetic modification of all food, and control of all governments and populations through a central U.N. administration, which in the very near future plans to turn America into MexAmeriCanada, erasing our borders and imposing the despicably unamerican notion of ID requirements. What's your name? Show us your papers. Take him away. Oh, and by the way, Bush has just aquired his official Dictator license in the event of any emergency. What constitutes an emergency, you ask? Silly goose, that's up to Bush. These are not conspiracy 'theories", these are actual ongoing international conspiracys which threaten the freedom and sovereignty of all individuals, of America, of our world, and of Humanity itself. There are thousands of illegitimate forms of technological and financial control and coercion being perpetrated against you at the whim of millions of petty tyrannical psycopaths involved in these activities all the time whether or not you are aware of this, or take the time to educate yourself to be aware of these facts. If you have no problem with the existence of this type of activity, then as Benjamin Franklin stated: "Those Who Would Trade Freedom For Security Deserve Neither". TV is rife with maliciously designed mind-control, as is most advertising and a vast preponderance of our supposedly "Free" press.
It's a serious enough offense, both legally and morally, to enact an undisclosed deleterious agenda, against all right, but insidious matters of public corruption and conspiracy to cloak a demonstrably pernicious agenda under any guise, all professions or claims to "impartiality", "public good", "legality", "service" or "utility" notwithstanding, and cloaking such actions and processes in the color of law, is an abuse of every American and international right of Equal Protection and Due Process, and constitutes a form of essentially institutionalized barratry. For the vast majority of Americans for decades now, obtaining anything like justice under our legal system has become like everything else: a matter of cash. This is the basic definition of Fascism. The DOJ proceedings go a long way towards explaining why this has been the case, but fixing it remains a genuine problem. Meanwhile, the thinktanks have seen to it that we have numerous other problems to deal with.
Information on the historical roots and exact mechanisms of these profound depradations of human and American freedom are at, arguably one of the only sources of unvarnished truth in cogent terms available online. By turns brilliant and charmingly disaffected, Canadian hermit (for lack of a better word) and phenomenally knowledgable Alan Watt authors CTTMDC, giving a chilling glimpse into the reality of a current and planned dystopia which makes Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World look like respective episodes of "Father Knows Best". Watt claims to earn solely from sales of his material, and his site carries no advertising, which makes it almost unique among a number of other sites which do carry ads, and which do not present this material with anything like the authorative analysis and finely-sifted content Watt brings to bear on subjects much of the general public hear very little or nothing about. Watt has many free audio "Blurbs"; mini-dissertations posted for downloading in MP3 format, along with transcripts and numerous downloads of appearances on a growing number of radio shows. There is more truth at CTTMDC than most ever learn. You may wish to listen sitting down, however, as certain portions of Watt's exposition may produce fantods, pique, and feelings of betrayal normally associated only with events such as receiving a Medical Bill for a 10-minute checkup with diagnostics in an amount that would suffice to pay for an Ultra Deluxe month in sunny Biarritz, plus round trip airfare. For two.
Cheney and Bush, along with their enablers have thus, and, one is regrettably forced to assume, in numerous other ways arrogated a vast portion of American wealth to activate nothing less than a profoundly illegal, unequal and unamerican social engineering juggernaut, and have further used our money to pay for a war which they manifestly lied us into, against a country having nothing to do with the nonetheless puppet creature Bin Laden. Then, Halliburton's stock soared on no-bid contracts for that very same war, from which numerous American Armed Forces Servicemen's And Servicewomen's votes were despicably "purged" in Karl Rove's "Caging" scheme, uncovered by Greg Palast when Rove inadvertently emailed his "Caging Lists" to the investigative journalist. It gives no American any pleasure to document the depth of corruption in which this country has been mired by the Republican machine, except insofar as doing so may provide some means of reversing these phenomenally unjust, illegal and actually uneccessary set of problems intentionally foisted on us by nothing less than a very, very large conspiracy. Democrats, to be sure, are not exempt from some portion of responsibility; but for the most part that has been allowing the GOP to have their way at all, when all reason, right and law plainly indicated that most GOP policys and particularly their philosophies at least since the time of Joe McCarthy, and actually since 1750, and even quite substantially before that, one realizes, after the level of violation of everything one has been taught one's entire life one's Nation represents becomes such that research into the actual causes of what has been and is actually going on becomes a prime condition of retaining one's belief merely in one's own senses.
These criminals, for there is no other word, have continuously operated to rapaciously devour our freedoms, rights, laws, customs and wealth like some radioactive species of pirahnya might a choice fillet mignon; that is to say reflexively, instinctually and without even the slightest consideration of choice, or even any extant possibility of remorse. WTC Owner Larry Silverstein admitted on television to having specifically given orders to "pull" WTC 7, which is a reference to controlled demolition. The BBC aired a live report that WTC Building #7 had "collapsed" 23 minutes before the actual event occured in honest-to-goodness real life. Incredibly, WTC 7 was actually shown still standing perfectly intact in the background of that very same live report, while BBC reporter Jane Stanley nonetheless had either the premeditated audacity and guile, the hapless misfortunate gullibility, the plain witlessness, or some unimaginable combination thereof to deliver with a straight face her report that WTC 7 had in fact "collapsed", as it stood there right behind her the whole time. The only thing which could possibly have been more through the roof, as it were, would to have then seen #7 actually go down in real time behind her after Stanley delivered the news, and who knows, some enterprising studio whizkid may in fact have that mindblower stashed somewhere. Look for it on eBay in a few parsecs. The tragic video of 9/11, WTC#7 and numerous documentary accounts of all this and much, much more is all publicly available for everyone to see free of charge, both on YouTube and on Google Video. That is one nice thing about the truth. It's still free. But not so fast, partner; sure as shooting the Cabal now wants to split up the internet, originally developed by DARPA as an unbreakable communications network in the event of The Big One, and already paid for by our tax dollars, natch, along "tiers", so your average schmuck will have to get his info slower than your premium swell.
An exposition of the precursors to the present situation, written in the 1960's by the scholarly Ferdinand Lundberg is the classic "The Rich And The Super Rich", still available in many well-stocked used paperback outlets, if you actually do know what paperbacks are, as it is somewhat doubtful that Ms. Goodling and many of her generation, judging by this Monica's testimony in the uber-corrupt DOJ embroglio, have anything to do with words if they can at all help it, other than to delete emails from Karl Rove, Kyle Samson, Tim Griffin and Alberto Gonzales, in between deleting emails from Clairol, Nieman Marcus, and Messiah Alumni. Kids these days. It is remarkable to note how little, really, has changed in the 30-odd years since Lundberg penned his treatise on these mechanisms which have unerringly operated to undermine the very values which, with nary a blush, trace of irony, or nanoseconds hesitation the GOP unceasingly purports to uphold with nothing so much as a profoundly manifest and self-evident legitimacy. And they do care so for the widows and orphans and puppydogs.
Substantial evidence exists and numerous technical experts state that WTC 7 imploded in a controlled demolition, which means that the building had to have been prepared over a period of at least several days prior to 9/11. Controlled demolitions by definition cannot occur without preparation. Since our Congress and Senate have repeatedly refused to follow the will of fully 90% of the American public by count of several recent polls, there is no longer any excuse for the American legal community not to prosecute Cheney, Bush and their numerous accomplices, outside of our U.S. Constitutional Impeachment process, which must still be enforced if our American honor, integrity, Republic, Constitutional democracy or Rule Of Law are ever to be restored, renewed, and continued. Halliburton has recently built a number of prison camps on American soil, and several all-new state-of-the art prisons have a number of remaining vacancies. In view of such thoughtfully provided facilities, no American worthy of the name can help but feel at least a tiny twinge of unbidden patriotic pride, along with a heaping helping of simple neighborly obligation to do one's civic duty by enforcing that most basic of homespun plain-spoken hardworking heartland Republican virtues: the swift administration of equal justice under the law, regardless of race, creed, color or national origin.- incorporating comments from Digby's Hullabaloo
I'm glad you're still allowed on Huffington Post. Too bad Arianna didn't stand up for 911 truth on 'Reliable Sources'. She called any questioning of the oficial story 'wild conspiracy theories' that have 'no place' in debate. The one forum where she could have stood up for free speech and her touted 'individualism' was instead the stage-set for her capitulation to the party line concerning the attacks. Hang in there. She still prints my stuff, but filters as much as she posts.
Maybe Huffington calls them "wild theories" because these so-called engineers are not fact-checked or verified in any way, as noted on Screw Loose Change which caught a screen shot of Barney Rubble, porn stars, and someone only named "Crystal" listed as "engineers."
No reputable site should allow free run to morons whose only research consists of repeating bullshit theories and insisting they're "asking the difficult questions" when it appears the only reason they're "difficult" is that no one wants to look at any answers that disprove their fantasy conspiracy.
Even to the point they list any prankster as an "engineer."
Thank you for your great blog. We have to be our own media these days. It takes guts to open yourself up to critics and people who snipe from the sidelines. Keep it up :)
Rather a decent macro view of the GOP screwing of this country and the middle class. Obviously still beyond many even those able to use a computer. As the scope and interplay demand discriminating study to grasp...not the purview of those given to fall-in, to wipe aside the many substantive questions left to fester by the intentions of Dick "stain on the nation" cheney and frat punk pinhead in chief.
Dr. "Strange Dick" Cheney and Duh'bya...are filth and disgrace the halls and ideals that once were ...with a layer of decorous buttkissing that persists, with DEM's, the media twits, the fooled, we are furtherance of a sad caricature a country of failures, moral, ethical, criminal, indefensible.
They should be turned over to the humiliation they deserve, to the World Court, the Hague, to rot until hung...judged by an authority they held in such contempt, these two would not go with the dignity of Saddam know it!
And why we are not getting on with it? Thank the single party system now in place, the party of power...the CASH party.
...and the finale is yet to be worked when they secure their hold with the same lack of scruples seen since before 911 without ebb... they will extend the military in a mad play of dramatic urgent fear inducing justification, as a assert and maintain the dollar over the Euro as the currency of oil and NY and London as the finance centres of the world and wee the You Ass eh' ... buster of kneecaps to the world.
Could you imagine what would happen to this country if the truth was exposed and the American people bought into it?
It is not that the politicians, corporate leaders, media, etc. do not understand that the official story is false, they just do not want to deal with the consequences if the truth was accepted.
To keep them quiet, The BA has given the military industrial complex the wars they need to keep their balance sheets healthy, oil and gas industries have new oil resources in Iraq and a pipeline in Afghanistan in the works, w/Iran and Sudan soon to follow, not to mention gas and oil prices 3 times higher than they were, the rich and big business have healthy tax cuts and a government that believes they can regulate themselves (wink wink), and the media is muzzled by their corporate owners and sponsors who are the beneficiaries of these policies.
In addition, the Christian Right w/ their 60 million votes has a government that supports Israel unconditionally and is willing to support expansion of greater Israel into Syria and Lebanon, after having punished the biblical Babylon with our War in Iraq, preparing us for the coming Rapture. And to boot, they are against abortion, stem cell research, gays, separation of church and state, etc, and it's not like the attacks were against Kansas or Oklahoma or Texas, the city which was "effectively" attacked was the home of the liberals and sinners, NYC.
Life is good for all these people. Who wants to ruin a good thing over a simple thing like 9/11 truth.
The WTC needed to come down anyways, it had huge problems with fire insulation and asbestos, the cost to fix these problems were significant compared to the value of a 35 year old building, why not start anew and let some insurance companies pay for it, much of the insurance risk spread to foreign companies. Who knew the radios did not work so the fire fighters could not get out before they had to demolish the buildings early, because the fires were burning out sooner than anyone expected. They did what they could, the hijacked planes hit on an election day and before office hours to minimize casualties, staff at one company received a text message an attack was coming that day and who knows what other companies were warned.
They made sure or perhaps were lucky that the plane that hit the Pentagon being flown by the worst pilot, executed an extremely difficult maneuver just to hit in the strongest part of the Pentagon. The part that was hit was being strengthened and renovated at the time, so there were not so many people there besides some contractors and auditors working in the accounting offices of the Pentagon (probably looking for clues to billions in unaccounted for transactions Rumsfeld told us about 1 day earlier). he did this rather than just diving into the roof, the simplest maneuver,and quickest, for someone flying a Boeing for the first time and was a horrible pilot who should have been worried he was going to be intercepted by our military.
Yet after spending months preparing for the attacks, they did not know that the part of the Pentagon they planned to hit was being renovated and would have the fewest people in it, not to mention being the exact opposite wall from where the offices of big shots like Rumsfeld. They must have just been stupid or something.
And then, despite being stupid they got so lucky, somehow we had no fighters circling over Washington DC almost 40 minutes after the 2nd plane hit the WTC and we knew we had been attacked in NY, and knowing that Washington DC could be a likely target. And then, so much luckier they were this day, the Pentagons air defense system did not work since their SOP is to shoot down aircraft that do not have a friendly transponder signalling that approaches too close, especially almost 1 hr after the first plane crashed into the WTC and knowing that the Pentagon could be a target as well.
That other plane, probably going for the White House, known as UA 93, well there is the official story and there is the "we shot it down" theory. Pick em. I have no problem with them shooting it down if we did, sounds like something we should have done to the plane that hit the Pentagon and the 2nd plane which hit the WTC
The thing about both AA 77 and UA 93, is we never saw any visual evidence of a plane that wasn't bigger than a tire, and no evidence of any criminal investigation (to this day Bin Ladin has not been charged due to as the FBI says, we have no hard evidence) like we did with TWA 800.
But these are all just details people, they did what they could to keep the death toll down, it could have been worse.
Life moves on.
"He was captured trying to further jihad" - Comment on Think Progress attempting to justify the unconstitutional torture of a Guantanamo detainee resulting in suicide.
If that is in fact the definition by which persons are to be arrested by our government without due process or any other constitutional protections, then we can expect to see a vast number of arrests within our own government itself right away, if Wayne Madsen, who has been investigating covert operations for well over a decade is even marginally correct in his findings, a very small sample of which follows: "Rather than being charged and prosecuted for treason against the United States for his role in an illegal plot to entrap President Carter's brother Bill Carter in a phony business deal, Ledeen was rewarded with a consulting job for the State Department and Pentagon in the Reagan administration, a position from which he was free to continue his anti-American activities with fellow traitors from the Henry Jackson staff. While the traitors in the Washington office of Jackson and Ledeen in Rome were conspiring against President Carter, George H. W. Bush, Carter National Security Council staffer Robert Gates, and William Casey criminally conspired with the Ayatollah Khomeini's government to keep 52 hostages held in Tehran captive in return for a shipment of weapons. A meeting between Casey, Gates, and Bush and Iranian agents was held in Paris on October 19, 1980, in what became known as the "October Surprise."
The deal was worked out using the auspices of the Sun Shipyard in Chester, PA, which had a close link to the CIA since the shipyard's building of the Soviet submarine raising ship, SS Glomar Explorer, under cover provided by Howard Hughes' Summa Corporation, in 1973. As WMR has previously reported, the CIA arranged a pre-election weapons shipment, unknown to President Carter, to Iran on the SS Poet from Chester, PA to Iran. The Poet was later disposed of along with its American crew by U.S. intelligence or those in its service."
And, about the $51 million dollars of our tax money which under Reagan was covertly spent printing up Jihadist textbooks glorifying terrorism, and then distributed through our clandestine services to hundreds of madrassas, the building of which was also covertly funded with our tax money, in Afghanistan:
If "furthering" terrorism is the standard upon which we dispense with every American principle, rule, right and obligation of law, then the next arrests must be of thousands if not tens of thousands of criminal amoral elected and unelected theives on our own U.S. soil and within our own U.S. government, who have deliberately plotted to create terrorism, not just further it, purely for motives of their own profit and consolidation of their own not only wholly unconstitutional but heinously traitorous tyranny, directly at the expense and to the destruction of everything which the United States itself, and the vast majority of Americans themselves have always believed in, fought, stood, and still stand for. Republican "leaders" need look no further than their own mirror to behold creators of "the terrorists".
It's time they turned themselves in to save actually patriotic Americans any further expenditures of our money (which they have also allowed to be debased in an intentional massive fraud against our Constitutional rights), in order to prosecute them under our American Constitutional Law, and when found guilty, thrown into the Halliburton camps and shiny new prisons they so eagerly advocated be used without Equal Protection, Due Process, Right of Habeas Corpus or any other foundational principle of law, for anyone whom they arbitrarily presumed to decide in their disgustingly backward "Family Feud" "Survey Says" junk-food mentality isn't interested in "going along to get along", straight down the road to the nazi totalitarian dictatorship America most recently defeated in WWII, and which is now represented by the globalist corporatist puppets Cheney and Bush and their lackeys.
The "clash of civilizations" is not one of terrorists, but rather one between those who are unable to do anything other than "follow orders", and those who understand that such a mentality is the most profoundly unamerican, unpatriotic, and cowardly way for any human being who purports to respect freedom for themselves or for others to act. We support our troops, who are obligated under the dual constraints of duty and duress. We fully support and acknowledge the right of every state and all nations and peoples to coexist peacefully.
We cannot and we will never support those who merely wave our flag, yet whose every action betrays them not to be supporters of America, Peace, Freedom or any actual Rule of Law, but rather to be perpetrators of the most anti-American, anti-Human, and anti-Freedom mentality, policys, and actions. Fomenting terrorism to profit from the resultant increase in conflict, sales of weapons, and human suffering caused thereby, and used as a pretext to destroy freedom, and further used to profit from the manipulation and
exploitation of resources and access to them, must not and cannot be permitted by any party, individual or group claiming to support legitimate human values or openly representing any unpeaceful or harmful intent.
While brevity is the soul of wit, these days brevity just as often promotes witlessness. First newspapers, then radio, then television, and now the internet; the offspring of our human cognitive heritage, while both theoretically and to a real extent do provide increased opportunity for the distribution of opinion and information, and thus, presumably a concommitent enabling increase in our ability to solve problems by being well-informed, particularly the first three
media have in practice brought a Pandoran set of problems to the now ever-increasingly complex equations of life, one of which is the innate ability of those media (which our public absorbs in an essentially passive, as opposed to
the more interactive and elective manner of the internet) to manipulate and influence our regard for introspection, comparison, and analysis, and which carry several other problematic commercial characteristics conspiring, willy-
nilly, not only to reduce our attention span and capacity for critical thinking, but in many cases, pace FOX et al, to
intentionally foster, nurture, and grow like venus flytraps in hothouse manure opinions regarding difficulties and challenges of every nature that are allowed to be presented in the most shorthand and encapsulated of forms, which,
(in what has become the high art of loading these encapsulations with various motifs subliminally pushing whatever ideological position the authors of them espouse) are then presented to the public, more properly known, due to the ubiquity of the information fairly dripping from every molecule in our total information awareness realm, as everyone.
The nature, for lack of a better word, of this paradigm, to put it politely, itself creates a hair-trigger hyper-reflexive Klein-Bottlesque environment which at least at first innocently enough did provide helpful and truthful information, but now seems to bound discourse, analysis, contemplation, exchange, discussion, action, and many other activities, which taken in total we had formerly designated, roughly, as civilization. Regrettably, one must conclude that this construct is now operating to the profound detriment of our civilization itself, in a seemingly limitless and apparently ever-increasing number of ways. None of this was unforseen, much of it has been planned, and more and more of it
is documented online and elsewhere. provides an invaluable resource with which to comprehend the scope and aims of an astonishing array of elements in human history, or at the very least, notable confluences to many who are not aware or may only now be seeking background on these trends past and present.
Because much of the already consolidated media encroach upon and actually comprise the internet itself, and because the internet shares some of the commercial characteristics of more traditional media, the internet is not, in it's relative youth, immune from these influences but rather in many ways an integral part of them, and already finds itself acting, much like an uncouth adolescent unconsciously parroting the opinions of various odious influences (some moreso
than others) as a defacto amplifier for the already far more established media which the tyro now threatens to dwarf, and in the process itself become co-opted to perpetuate rather than emeliorate the very considerable damage encoded in various destructive memetic tropes promulgated by it's forebears, who have of course trodden simillar paths. Thus
everything old, to coin a phrase, is new again. Churchill observed of this that "Those who ignore the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them". There is thus a very real imperative to maintain genuine net neutrality which
will preserve and promote our fundamental right and ability to create, interact with, respond to, and thereby address and effect our own environment, media environment, and future in ways that traditional media have not permitted anyone other than the owners of those media. At the same time, crucial Constitutional issues of Privacy, Civil Liberties, Human Rights, Commerce and Free Enterprise hitherto unseen, except by the military progenitors of the internet, permutate in ways which are impossible for many to competently enumerate, let alone address.
We merely report; You, dear convergent reader/viewer/listener/mogul (and the ubiquitous "they") must decide:
Today we have a grown man paid 9 Million dollars per year to growl "Shut Up" like clockwork at many of the guests on his television show with whom he, presumably, is aware a priori he is in disagreement, while some 25%
of our population regard this spectacle as irrefutable evidence, not of and far from boorishness, but as some vindicative combination of triumphant virility, intellectual prowess and sagacity, even though brevity in this context represents the virtual epitome, apotheosis, ne plus ultra, zenith, pinnacle, and height not of wit, but rather of ignorance itself. O'Reilly, paid 9 Million dollars per year, for which sum virtually everyone can afford, at least, to be polite, has recently earned this salary by observing that "Secular Progressives"; literally anyone
who both advocates progress and at the same time is not officially a member of a religious institution "put themselves before others". Such people O'Reilly contradistinguishes to "Traditional values people", among
whom he evidently classes himself, and who, O'Reilly states "Put other people on a par with themselves" according to the "Judeo-Christian tenet".
The exact formula whereby Mr. O'Reilly thus translates his loudly and repeatedly shouting at his guests to "shut up" with "putting others on a par with (him)self", not to mention how O'reilly manages this marvel of
justification with respect to his continuous militant support for the killing of half a million people, many of whom, when alive, were officially members of various religious institutions either here in America, or in their own nations, and how he further reconciles the taking of 9 million dollars to express these same views with the fact that he himself was not drafted nor did he serve in the war his nation prosecuted when he was eligible
to serve, are not subjects which O'Reilly has yet addressed, but which, presumably, he will at some point, at one decibel level or another.
The medium thus conveys and not only is the message, in the eerily prescient and eminently sagacious
words of Marshall McLuhan, that brilliant if rather himself all too enraptured exponent, analyst and promoter of these modern miracles, but through this very hall of mirrors itself "our" professional media now collectively view themselves not just hand in hand with, but most arrogantly quite a bit above our government, which legally
did and thus presumably still does have a responsibility, far from capitulating to and enabling such obvious spousal abuse, to regulate it, which our government in 1949 did, but eagerly (albeit not without requisitely plausible show of reluctance) relented from the concerted bamboozelment of the media corporations, under Reagan, and thereby entirely abdicated that obligation. Thus it has come to be that these and various other
corporations routinely, by this and myriad other devices concocted in their aptly-named thinktanks, now monomaniacally operate to redirect, channel as it were, and thus subvert all logical thought, human values and reason itself, in their self-assumed roles as creators and contextualizers of nothing less than Reality, writ large and with a capital are. If nothing else, such lack of inherent fairness in our Free Press, Radio, Television, and potentially on our internet poses a clear and present Public Health Hazard, mental and otherwise. In Enlish, Bumpersticker Soundbytese, Newspeak, Spintalk, Valleygirl or any other American dialect, one message thankfully remains immutable, and that is: "Friends Don't Let Friends Enable Fascism".
Many well understand this, and in what is actually cowardly capitulation, so far from any bold "individualism", with unfeigned hubris crow (not unattractively to the 25%'ers apparently) that "We Will Create Our Own Reality, We Will Give You Your Reality, And Then We Will Go On To Create A New Reality". Merely the tone of this
rhetoric is both anathmatic and repellent to a vast majority of Americans and to every other nation. Would that the fundamental laws of physics, morality, and human nature could in any reality be so routinely violated with
such disregard and impunity without negative consequence to these erstwhile deitys in human form, much less to everyone else. If such were actually the case, most, if not all of our problems would have been solved ages ago. Might, in a very great many cases, does not in fact make right, whereas a decent respect to the opinions of mankind constitutes genuine right, a far greater and more benificent, gentle, legitimate, persuasive and constructive force.
Americans, if we are to be honest in both word and deed, must admit that the only programme which adherence to a willfully ignorant ideological blindness vis-a-vis our obligations to ourselves and to our progeny actually does
promote, is a mechanism that arbitrarily and capriciously liscenses itself to inflexibly amplify and exert a specious,
morally repugnant repression of Freedom, through a process which itself exists to abdicate, contradict, and actively destroy rather than support any genuine American or human values, as this fallible human assumption invariably has and always will operate to result in manifestly inhuman, and thus entirely unacceptable ends. As our revered
Justice Holmes famously, far more economically, and that much more wittily put it: "Freedom of Speech does not confer any right to shout "Fire" in a crowded theatre". Genuinely conservative construction of his judgement mandates immediate reinforcement of our 1949 Fairness Doctrine, Equal Time and Truth In Media provisions.
"The report of the Integrity Committee also found that "Moose" Cobb had created the appearance of a lack of independence by lunching, drinking and golfing with top NASA officials."
Independence, Independence, where have we heard that word before? Every single law, committee, act, etc serves an entirely different function than might be inferred merely from its name. In so many of the hearings of the past several months into the limitless corruption, cronyism, fraud, deliberate use and abuse of corporate and government resources directly and indirectly against private individual Americans under the guise of "security" and color of law, etc etc etc, repeatedly what is most criticized are not the actual facts of the actions themselves, but that these actions "create a perception of" corruption, cronyism, conspiracy, etc etc etc.
This is because the real "crime" under the total lie of our "free" society is not abuse of office, law or theft of tax dollars, but being caught, because to do so reveals the actual workings of the real "system" to the American public and to the world, who are considered as nothing more than great unwashed masses of gullible sheeple, literally to be farmed, and whom the government is designed, by those who actually do run and control it, to lead by millions of daily outright deceptions, frauds and crimes into surrendering all rights and freedoms entirely.
There are well-meaning public servants, but they are manipulated, and they are disincentivised from carrying out reforms that have any real effect or meaning. Gradually they go along to get along. The more they are willing to play the game, always with other peoples lives in the balance, of course, the higher they rise. So only simulations of truthtelling are rewarded. Whistleblower? Not too loud, please. Wouldn't want to wake up too many Americans at once, that could cause an interruption in the yearly munificence of self-granted Congressional and Senate payraises and the torrential rivers of corporate "contributions".
Decade after decade hearings are held, this same tired kabuki of "change" is enacted, laws are solemnly passed, heads solemnly nod in judicious righteousness, and decade by decade all freedom is continually eroded, to the point where it is now a joke, a sham, a farce which anyone of voting age can plainly see. Freedom by definition means as few laws, as few taxes, and as little interference in private individuals lives as possible, while still maintaining a fundamentally rational, fair, compassionate, equitable and functioning society. Instead, "we" have a nation and world where no freedom is possible, as it has been systematically stolen by anyone willing to join in this covert and overt protection racket encompassing everything. Justice? How much cash have you got? No cash, no justice. That is our "freedom", yet FOX and CNN, and ABC, and 99.9% of our media, despite the deluge of inexcusable "news", somehow spin all of it as evidence that "the system works", that America has not decayed into corporate crony fascism, and that we must stick with a hydrocarbon energy paradigm because "no real alternatives exist", even though in truth they exist everywhere and have for a century. The true state of technological development is far beyond what exists for most, but is evident in the scientific techniques and effects of the technology used by a dominant minority which recruits amoral cabals to repress, control and manipulate a vast majority of media
brainwashed Americans, who are psychologically whipsawed by endless lies, half-truths, propaganda and spin.
While Global Warming is an important subject per se, as we need little things like our icecaps, the reality is that trillions of your tax dollars have for a century been spent on numerous secret technology legitimated through the rubric of "scientific development" which causes or increases global warming, and which has the capabilities and is used in myriad other ways to control every aspect of what is masked as "reality". Our weather and pollution itself is manipulated and is used to manipulate us, while the media is wholly complicit and active in enabling this vast charade, as it is in numerous other frauds and massive crimes.
Public "servants" serve nothing but themselves while enslaving you, and everyone, since they are saturated with Fox, "Cops", and "Law And Order" type brainwashing, seems to believe that they are invested with police authority when they are not busy watching television. As for many police and prosecutorial matters, well, how much cash have you got? And how much can "our" state get? Even if a third of what is spent enacting processes against Americans and the world were spent on actually improving things, numerous situations would actually improve, but that is not at all what is considered most profitable to those who already posess unlimited resources and seek to run America and the world both to make the most profit, and to use your money to enslave or kill you off.
In the view of those who participate in these agendas, there are "winners" and "losers", so in order to be a "winner", one must create "losers" and proceed to prey on them.
In modern times, this is the result of a specious interperetation of Darwins evolutionary theorys, and while there is plenty of scientific support for evolutionary processes themselves, Darwin was himself a member of this historical conspiracy of men who, while sometimes brilliant, have always used their various entirely unethical and immoral racist views combined
with their work to further a fundamentally corrupt and wholly conspiritorial process which has as its final aim a hideously inhuman and profoundly dysfunctional nightmare scenario "utopia", where they are the masters and the breeding of slaves to perform all work for them is accomplished through the hijacking of evolution itself.
This is exactly where the unchecked sciences are now taking us, with plans to "meld science and spirit", creating cloned warriors, hybrid men/machines, etc etc etc, straight out of the darkest science fiction, which
itself has been and is created as "predictive programming" which prepares our subconscious to accept the entirely unacceptable. Far more information on the historical roots and immediate dangers to America and to all mankind posed by this very real conspiracy is available at
This deplorable "creating the appearance of" malicious intent on the part of "our" government declaimed by our public-minded protectors in TV hearings; in other words, failing to adequately cover up the true nature of how and to what ends our government is actually operating, is the worst offence that any one of them can commit in the eyes of those within "our" government, far worse than anything else they might actually do while conducting this actual agenda against mere citizens in an agenda not By, For, and Of We The People, but by, for, and of massive globalist foundations, trusts and corporations which steadily operate through government to extract every ounce of private value in order to arrogate it to themselves, consolidate their own power, and push an agenda making even hitler's brownshirt nazis look only somewhat horrendously illegal, unethical, immoral and inhuman by comparison.
Dental and brain radio implants, directed energy weapons, see through wall scopes, brainscanners,
supercomputers agragating information on everyone and everything, weather weapons, and myriad other intrusive, illegal and amorally abused technologies are not science fiction: this is 2007. Welcome to the blessings of scientific progress in service to freedom, democracy, patriotism and that word, Independence. Does that banner yet wave? Ask them in Guantanamo or the secret CIA prisons in europe, or here in the Land of The Free. Ask the milions scarred or worse by covert medical experimentation and "testing". Ask yourself. Are you free? Or is your life now defined on every side by nameless faceless corporations and an unimaginably large government juggernaut which never seems to get anything right? They are actually getting everything right, just not for you. One of the favorite GOP crypto-speak memes since Reagan has been "sending a signal", as in "This sends a signal that we intend yadayada". Americans need by their actions to send a signal that all of these depradations upon us are not only not acceptable, but cannot and must not continue any longer.
Be careful, by the way, if you are a domestic terrorist in the game of targeting your fellow Americans, because as soon as you have served your purpose in this agenda you will find that you are eagerly expended, not rewarded as you had assumed, because you see, by eliminating you as well, your masters also eliminate yet another piece of evidence, and one more mere nuisance in their path to absolute control for themselves. You are a pawn. No?
Take a look at how our Best and Bravest are treated upon their return, if they are so lucky, from the horrors of the wars they prosecute for the benefit of oil and weapons interests whose stock prices soar to ever-dizzying heights, and the unconscionable conditions to which they are subjected. They are ignored just as everyone without a fortune is ignored under this "system", and each year the standard of what constitutes a fortune increases. If you are reasonably happy and doing well, you are blessed, but under our present system a vast majority are nothing other than slaves to capital; electronically tracked, snooped, eavesdropped and spyed upon 24/7/365. For "security", of course. To keep you safe. From the terrorists. And the radicals. And the leftists. And the liberals. And the anti-war Democrats. And any Republicans or Veterans or any one else daring to speak out and tell the truthful facts about what everyone can plainly see is not a war on terror, since war cannot be waged on an emotion, but is actually a war of terror, waged on you.
Free enterprise is the best system in theory, but the worst when it is entirely devoid of any sensible regulation. "Our" media cannot tell the truth even if by some miracle they wanted to, because our 1949 Fairness Doctrine was intentionally stolen under Reagan and Bush I. "Our" money is not issued by "our" Congress because that too was stolen in a late-night last-minute "session". Corporations were granted extraordinary powers far beyond "personhood" in yet another heinous fraud late in the 1800's when a clerk forged a casehead containing such assertions which then passed entirely unchallenged into effect. Your freedom is illusory at best, and your nation and world are the province of arrant elected and unelected theives.
There is no actually free enterprise, and since no actual credit or capital is available on favorable terms or on any terms, except for those who do not need it, or have some "connection". If you would like minimal capital at outlandishly usurious rates, please sign this credit application, and if there is the slightest indication you can ever somehow repay the interest, let alone the principle, you may be Approved. Congratulations are actually in order if you are declined, as at least you will not be sucked any further into that particular maw.
Americans recoil that slaves were treated in the same ways, but how is anyone, even with enough, or with just enough, or not enough, or nothing, or less than nothing, treated in the greatest nation on earth? How is anyone who is ok, making a bit of progress, but then is suddenly confronted with one or more of these hazards lurking everywhere? If one does well, how much does the government take if you have not made vast amounts? In taxes? In Fees? In Fines? In Liscences, etc etc etc ?
Ask any passerby in New Orleans. In the Barrios of larger municipalities. Or in Florida. Or New York, LA, Chicago, Dallas, Oregon, Maine, the Heartland or anywhere else. Yet as for those above the high middle class, everything's coming up roses. Money is not everything, but try telling that to the disabled, the uninsured, the unemployed, the unemployable, the hungry, the sick, the elderly, the poor, the forgotten. Surely "charity" and government "agencies" "help" them? Then why exactly have their numbers and ranks grown year after year for 7 disasterous years, even as laws and regulations and police and government agencies and non-governmental community groups and non-profit religious and charitable organizations multiply like rabbits? Grant anyone? No problem, but only if you are a non-profit. If you are any type of organization willing to push this agenda against the majority of your fellow Americans, there is an unlimited supply of capital in barrels for the taking.
Try telling that to the family farmer driven out by agribusiness, or the shopkeeper or single entrepreneur closing their venture in an area targeted by corporations and superstores, or the new dad or mom working two jobs for a minimum wage that's still half of a living wage. Try telling that to teenagers below middle class trying to make their way in the world in the citys, or suburbs, or rural areas. Try telling that to the dedicated middle-class manager who is "downsized". Try telling that to the mother with kids whose dad is in Iraq fighting to drive up Dick Cheney's Halliburton stock. Try telling that to the soldier maimed while working to deploy the latest newfangled weaponry but not even provided proper armor. Try telling that to the parents who have lost a daughter in combat.
Try telling that to anyone of whatever age, race, origin or background who has personal experience with the results of this brutal system when it functions against them as it does against the over 200 million Americans who are willing to let you know they feel this way, and are pretty sure that they are not unpatriotic, and are somewhat more than a little suspicious that the Fox is guarding the henhouse.
For most of those and for many who won't let you know, there is no way you that you can tell them, because they already know, and they will never be able to forget. They will never forget the dreams and the reality which has been stolen from them by a few who already had many multiples more than a very large share of that dream and of those realitys to begin with. The fact of the matter is that the people most actively pushing these agendas are morally repugnant criminals. Exactly how any American, or any person who is involved with these processes by intentionally profiting from them, or is merely entwined as we all are in these unamerican and inhuman systems, without speaking out and doing whatever they can to change it, can possibly sleep at night or look themselves in the mirror in the morning is simply beyond all human understanding.
So, they call us dirty hippies. Call us unpatriotic. Call us communist appeasing yellowbelly dope fiends. We're used to it. We affectionately refer to each other the very same way. Yet, we were and are still quite right about it, and man, like suddenly hippy notions are emerging, unbidden, from the mouths of the most unlikely of advocates. It's a groovy kind of love, but it doesn't dig some Strangelovian Dr. Evil kind of squareball controlfreak uptight sicko pervy spy jive messing up our minds, obstructing our business at every turn, horrendously screwing up our entire nation and planet, endlessly hassling all of our rights and freedoms and warring on our DNA itself.
The aim of the agenda long wrapped in our flag, the flag which we pledged, and the flag which belongs to us, not to any corporation and not to any tyranny, is to defraud, force, coerce, cajole, brutalize and drive everyone everywhere not to be Independent, but to be entirely and solely dependent on vast faceless inhuman criminal corporate government for everything, including opinions, thoughts; absolutely everything. If actual human freedom has any chance, it is that people wake up fast and strenuously think for themselves on an ongoing basis, in order to resist, avert, and change these disasterous directions.
Jesus, our Jewish hippy brother, told us to love one another, and we heard the man. We do not need anyone telling us what he said, especially anyone who talks the talk but whose works bear evil fruit. Perhaps he who is without sin should cast the first stone, instead of running around all over the nation and planet rapaciously devouring freedom and independence like wolves in sheeps clothing. That Foley was something else. So that's what Republican "child protectors" do.
The case was a metaphore for the dynamics of quite a few different GOP agendas and the techniques used to push them. Pose as some sort of morally superior crusader, pointing fingers at as many people and groups as possible while doing the most despicable things yourself. When caught, have your crooked pals bail you out with a $65,000 per year pension stolen from our tax money. Rinse, repeat. This general theme runs through so much: Drugs, Poverty, Crime, War, Disease, Medicine, FDA, and all the alphabet soup agencies of "our" government, which use an institutionalized barratry of law and bastardization of religion itself both to perpetrate and to mask entirely illegal activities both inside and outside the halls of our government, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of globalist money powers.
These people profit from both sides of every equation, playing good cop and bad cop, "real" government and shadow government, all against each other in a mind-boggling conspiracy which, while it may reward a complicit few, preys upon and destroys the lives of the vast majority of Americans and human beings.
Anyone who can look at the events of the past 10, not to mention 50 or 100 years, and far longer, and still honestly consider these all to be just "conspiracy theorys" are themselves deluded or being intentionally dishonest. There is a reason why the word "conspiracy" is invariably followed by the word "theory" in our "free" press: it is counter-intelligence, designed to discredit any idea of conspiracys as somehow automatically being "nutty", so that everyone will continue to look the other way, not wanting to admit the evidence before their eyes.
If the experience of millions of
people is any indication, you will not be able to look the other way very much longer, regardless of how "secure" you may feel that "the government" is "doing the job" you have been lied into believing it does for you, but which it does to you.
If conspiracy is not the word, then what else can you call the hundreds and thousands of mostly GOP, with a relative few Democratic crimes and frauds, all interconnected? Mere "coincidence"? If so, then there are several bridges, including the Brooklyn, and Alaska Bridge To Nowhere, which several parties holding duplicate deeds now wish to sell you. Caveat Emptor.
And Peace.
Nearing the end of an eight-day trip, Bush got a hero's reception in this desperately poor country, still struggling to recover from being cut off from the rest of the world for four decades under the harsh rule of dictator Enver Hoxha. Hoxha died in 1985, and Albania emerged from isolation in 1990 but still is one of Europe's most impoverished lands.
Cannons boomed salutes from mountains overlooking the capital. Huge banners proclaimed "Proud to be Partners," and billboards read "President Bush in Albania Making History."
At home, Bush's job approval rating stands at its all-time low. But here, Prime Minister Sali Berisha said Bush was Albania's "greatest and most distinguished guest we have ever had in all times."
Throngs of people grasped Bush's hands, arms and fingers on the streets of Fushe Kruje, a small town near the airport where he stopped to chat in a cafe with business owners. Unused to such adoring crowds in America, Bush reveled in the attention. He kissed women on the cheek, posed for pictures and signed autographs. Someone reached out and rubbed his gray hair.
"Bushie, Bushie," people shouted. Some of the business people have received small loans under U.S. government programs.
The scene was uncharacteristically wild for a presidential crowd. Bush spokesman Dana Perino said later that the
Secret Service assured Bush's safety, as always. "If they didn't think the president was safe, obviously they wouldn't have put him in that position," she said.
While the United States supports Albania's bid for membership in
NATO, Bush said this country still has to make more political and military reforms and crack down on corruption and organized crime.
"We are determined to take any decision, pass any law and undertake any reform to make Albania appropriate to receive the invitation" to join the western military alliance, Berisha said at a news conference with Bush.
Albania has eagerly embraced democracy and idolizes the United States. Three stamps have been issued featuring Bush's picture and the Statue of Liberty, and the street in front of parliament has been renamed in his honor.
The president spent just eight hours here and then flew to Bulgaria, another Cold War Soviet ally turned pro-American. The two stops gave an upbeat ending to Bush's six-country trip after big protests earlier in Rome and at the summit of industrialized nations in Heiligendamm, Germany.
Kosovo has been run by the
United Nations and NATO since 1999, when Serbian leader
Slobodan Milosevic's forces were ousted after a NATO air war ended his crackdown on independence-seeking ethnic Albanians, who make up 90 percent of Kosovo's population.
U.N. Security Council has been divided over Kosovo's independence. The United States and key European countries support Kosovo's statehood while Russia, traditionally a Serbian ally, opposes it. Moscow says it would set a dangerous precedent for other breakaway regions.
Bush said diplomats from the United States, Russia and
European Union will try to find common ground on a formula for independence.
"But if it's apparent that that's not going to happen in a relatively quick period of time, in my judgment, we need to put forward the (U.N.) resolution," Bush said. "Hence, deadline." He did not specify a date.
Negotiations must result in "certain independence," Bush said. "That's what's important to know."
Bush said the summit in Heiligendamm had tried to determine whether there was a way to make Kosovo independence acceptable to Russia. French President Nicolas Sarkozy unexpectedly called for a delay on the issue, and the summit failed to reach agreement.
Bush urged Albania to help maintain peace and calm in Kosovo as the independence talks move forward.
Predominantly Muslim, Albania has 140 troops in
Afghanistan and about 120 troops in
Iraq — a presence that President Alfred Moisiu says will not end as long as the Americans are engaged there. Bush met here with some of the troops who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"Albanians know the horror of tyranny," the president said. "And so they're working to bring the hope of freedom to people who haven't known it. And that's a noble effort and a sacrifice."
In saluting Albania's democracy, Bush praised it as a country that has "cast off the shackles of a very oppressive society and is now showing the world what's possible."
During his visit, the president had lunch with the prime ministers of Albania, Macedonia and Croatia, which hope to join NATO.
Nearing the end of an eight-day trip, Bush got a hero's reception in this desperately poor country, still struggling to recover from being cut off from the rest of the world for four decades under the harsh rule of dictator Enver Hoxha. Hoxha died in 1985, and Albania emerged from isolation in 1990 but still is one of Europe's most impoverished lands.
Cannons boomed salutes from mountains overlooking the capital. Huge banners proclaimed "Proud to be Partners," and billboards read "President Bush in Albania Making History."
At home, Bush's job approval rating stands at its all-time low. But here, Prime Minister Sali Berisha said Bush was Albania's "greatest and most distinguished guest we have ever had in all times."
Throngs of people grasped Bush's hands, arms and fingers on the streets of Fushe Kruje, a small town near the airport where he stopped to chat in a cafe with business owners. Unused to such adoring crowds in America, Bush reveled in the attention. He kissed women on the cheek, posed for pictures and signed autographs. Someone reached out and rubbed his gray hair.
"Bushie, Bushie," people shouted. Some of the business people have received small loans under U.S. government programs.
The scene was uncharacteristically wild for a presidential crowd. Bush spokesman Dana Perino said later that the
Secret Service assured Bush's safety, as always. "If they didn't think the president was safe, obviously they wouldn't have put him in that position," she said.
While the United States supports Albania's bid for membership in
NATO, Bush said this country still has to make more political and military reforms and crack down on corruption and organized crime.
"We are determined to take any decision, pass any law and undertake any reform to make Albania appropriate to receive the invitation" to join the western military alliance, Berisha said at a news conference with Bush.
Albania has eagerly embraced democracy and idolizes the United States. Three stamps have been issued featuring Bush's picture and the Statue of Liberty, and the street in front of parliament has been renamed in his honor.
The president spent just eight hours here and then flew to Bulgaria, another Cold War Soviet ally turned pro-American. The two stops gave an upbeat ending to Bush's six-country trip after big protests earlier in Rome and at the summit of industrialized nations in Heiligendamm, Germany.
Kosovo has been run by the
United Nations and NATO since 1999, when Serbian leader
Slobodan Milosevic's forces were ousted after a NATO air war ended his crackdown on independence-seeking ethnic Albanians, who make up 90 percent of Kosovo's population.
U.N. Security Council has been divided over Kosovo's independence. The United States and key European countries support Kosovo's statehood while Russia, traditionally a Serbian ally, opposes it. Moscow says it would set a dangerous precedent for other breakaway regions.
Bush said diplomats from the United States, Russia and
European Union will try to find common ground on a formula for independence.
"But if it's apparent that that's not going to happen in a relatively quick period of time, in my judgment, we need to put forward the (U.N.) resolution," Bush said. "Hence, deadline." He did not specify a date.
Negotiations must result in "certain independence," Bush said. "That's what's important to know."
Bush said the summit in Heiligendamm had tried to determine whether there was a way to make Kosovo independence acceptable to Russia. French President Nicolas Sarkozy unexpectedly called for a delay on the issue, and the summit failed to reach agreement.
Bush urged Albania to help maintain peace and calm in Kosovo as the independence talks move forward.
Predominantly Muslim, Albania has 140 troops in
Afghanistan and about 120 troops in
Iraq — a presence that President Alfred Moisiu says will not end as long as the Americans are engaged there. Bush met here with some of the troops who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"Albanians know the horror of tyranny," the president said. "And so they're working to bring the hope of freedom to people who haven't known it. And that's a noble effort and a sacrifice."
In saluting Albania's democracy, Bush praised it as a country that has "cast off the shackles of a very oppressive society and is now showing the world what's possible."
During his visit, the president had lunch with the prime ministers of Albania, Macedonia and Croatia, which hope to join NATO.
Nearing the end of an eight-day trip, Bush got a hero's reception in this desperately poor country, still struggling to recover from being cut off from the rest of the world for four decades under the harsh rule of dictator Enver Hoxha. Hoxha died in 1985, and Albania emerged from isolation in 1990 but still is one of Europe's most impoverished lands.
Cannons boomed salutes from mountains overlooking the capital. Huge banners proclaimed "Proud to be Partners," and billboards read "President Bush in Albania Making History."
At home, Bush's job approval rating stands at its all-time low. But here, Prime Minister Sali Berisha said Bush was Albania's "greatest and most distinguished guest we have ever had in all times."
Throngs of people grasped Bush's hands, arms and fingers on the streets of Fushe Kruje, a small town near the airport where he stopped to chat in a cafe with business owners. Unused to such adoring crowds in America, Bush reveled in the attention. He kissed women on the cheek, posed for pictures and signed autographs. Someone reached out and rubbed his gray hair.
"Bushie, Bushie," people shouted. Some of the business people have received small loans under U.S. government programs.
The scene was uncharacteristically wild for a presidential crowd. Bush spokesman Dana Perino said later that the
Secret Service assured Bush's safety, as always. "If they didn't think the president was safe, obviously they wouldn't have put him in that position," she said.
While the United States supports Albania's bid for membership in
NATO, Bush said this country still has to make more political and military reforms and crack down on corruption and organized crime.
"We are determined to take any decision, pass any law and undertake any reform to make Albania appropriate to receive the invitation" to join the western military alliance, Berisha said at a news conference with Bush.
Albania has eagerly embraced democracy and idolizes the United States. Three stamps have been issued featuring Bush's picture and the Statue of Liberty, and the street in front of parliament has been renamed in his honor.
The president spent just eight hours here and then flew to Bulgaria, another Cold War Soviet ally turned pro-American. The two stops gave an upbeat ending to Bush's six-country trip after big protests earlier in Rome and at the summit of industrialized nations in Heiligendamm, Germany.
Kosovo has been run by the
United Nations and NATO since 1999, when Serbian leader
Slobodan Milosevic's forces were ousted after a NATO air war ended his crackdown on independence-seeking ethnic Albanians, who make up 90 percent of Kosovo's population.
U.N. Security Council has been divided over Kosovo's independence. The United States and key European countries support Kosovo's statehood while Russia, traditionally a Serbian ally, opposes it. Moscow says it would set a dangerous precedent for other breakaway regions.
Bush said diplomats from the United States, Russia and
European Union will try to find common ground on a formula for independence.
"But if it's apparent that that's not going to happen in a relatively quick period of time, in my judgment, we need to put forward the (U.N.) resolution," Bush said. "Hence, deadline." He did not specify a date.
Negotiations must result in "certain independence," Bush said. "That's what's important to know."
Bush said the summit in Heiligendamm had tried to determine whether there was a way to make Kosovo independence acceptable to Russia. French President Nicolas Sarkozy unexpectedly called for a delay on the issue, and the summit failed to reach agreement.
Bush urged Albania to help maintain peace and calm in Kosovo as the independence talks move forward.
Predominantly Muslim, Albania has 140 troops in
Afghanistan and about 120 troops in
Iraq — a presence that President Alfred Moisiu says will not end as long as the Americans are engaged there. Bush met here with some of the troops who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"Albanians know the horror of tyranny," the president said. "And so they're working to bring the hope of freedom to people who haven't known it. And that's a noble effort and a sacrifice."
In saluting Albania's democracy, Bush praised it as a country that has "cast off the shackles of a very oppressive society and is now showing the world what's possible."
During his visit, the president had lunch with the prime ministers of Albania, Macedonia and Croatia, which hope to join NATO.
A 6-year-old girl in Florida who was handcuffed by the police and taken off to the county jail after she threw a tantrum in her kindergarten class. Police in Brooklyn recently arrested more than 30 young people, ages 13 to 22, as they walked toward a subway station, on their way to a wake for a teenage friend who had been murdered. No evidence has been presented that the grieving young people had misbehaved. In March, police in Baltimore handcuffed a 7-year-old boy and took him into custody for riding a dirt bike on the sidewalk. The boy tearfully told The Baltimore Examiner, “They scared me.” Children, including some who are emotionally disturbed, are often arrested for acting out. This is a problem that has gotten out of control. Behavior that was once considered a normal part of growing up is now resulting in arrest and incarceration.
Former Senior DOJ Attorney Metcalfe: Q.: Did the Justice Department decision-making processes that you saw in 2005 and 2006 fit with what we now know about Gonzales' role in the U.S. attorneys matter? A.: Yes, it was a perfect predictor of it. What I saw soon after Gonzales arrived was nothing less than a culture shift within the department, from one of individual responsibility to self-protection, from institutional integrity to highly transactional morality, and from professional confidence to fear of the unknown. And make no mistake: The source of that fear almost invariably was "the White House" - which meant even Cheney's office on down to the most junior of White House staff members. When you have that fear, I saw, the best antidote apparently is to operate by "consensus," the mantra that Gonzales has repeated so tirelessly and pitifully whenever anyone has questioned his U.S. attorney decision-making - even as recently as in his House testimony on May 10 and at his exploitative National Press Club appearance immediately after Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty announced his own resignation. Evidently, the first thing you do in "consensus" decision-making is pledge to acquiesce to every suggestion that anyone else involved in the process might have, without caring a bit about the resulting "lowest common denominator" level of quality. Then you make sure that decisions that you absolutely have to be involved in (i.e., those that you cannot get away with completely delegating) are group decisions; that way, no one person takes responsibility for anything in particular. As I saw time and again, this can both diffuse and obscure individual involvement, even for a person who by dint of his responsibility could not otherwise hope to evade accountability. Case in point: The very fact that no one knows even yet who it was who engineered the firing of U.S. Attorney David Iglesias is a quintessential example of how Gonzales's idea of "consensus" decision-making worked. Yes, to this very day, it has indeed "worked."
WHITEHOUSE: Whenever you see anybody from the DOJ, anybody from the Gonzales clique from the DOJ, talk about this, they say three things over and over again. They say that it would be improper to attempt to influence or interfere with a particular case, they always use that phrase, a particular case, for an improper partisan purpose. Now, that is a very accurate, lay description of the elements of criminal obstruction of justice. So it looks as if they may be trying to basically kind of define deviancy down, if you will, so that anything less than criminal obstruction of justice is no longer viewed as improper. So, that’s absolutely the wrong place for an Attorney General of the United States to be establishing the standard for his office. Absolutely the wrong one. And Jim Comey and other people have recognized that.
Thursday, May 10, 2007 A former Texas Youth Commission guard who earlier avoided criminal charges of sexual attacks on incarcerated girls has been indicted in Brownwood.
Officials confirmed this morning that Allen James Sullivan, 41, a Brownwood resident, was named in a 15-count indictment on sexual assault charges, a second-degree felony.
Sullivan is accused of having sex on 15 occasions between October 2003 and May 2004 with the same girl, who was younger than 17 at the time. Sullivan, who resigned from the Youth Commission in 2005, could not be reached for comment. It could not immediately be determined whether he had surrendered to authorities. The indictment came after a grand jury had declined to indict Sullivan last month. But a legislative aide for San. Juan Hinojosa, D-McAllen, discovered that a videotape showing Sullivan going into a closet with at least three girls had not been shown to the grand jury. Investigators found the tape in the former Austin headquarters office of Ray Worsham, the Youth Commission's inspector general who had been fired earlier in the month. In earlier reports, Youth Commission investigators accused Sullivan of giving drugs and candy to at least three female inmates in exchange for sex at the Ron Jackson State Juvenile Correctional Facility in Brownwood in 2004. A criminal investigation into the case was sidetracked, officials said earlier, but was reopened earlier this year amid a scandal that involved two administrators at the West Texas State School who had been accused of having sex with incarcerated teenage boys. The two, Ray Brookins and John Paul Hernandez, were indicted by a grand jury in Monhans in early April. Sullivan's indictment marks the third Youth Commission employee in Brownwood to be charged with a crime since February. Barry Ransberger was arrested March 14 on sex assault charges, and Dusty Ogle was arrested on March 15 on charges of tampering with a government record, official oppression and aggravated assault with serious bodily injury, and again on April 12 on charges of tampering with a witness in the earlier case. In all, nine current and former Youth Commission employees and four incarcerated juveniles have been arrested on a variety of felony and misdemeanor charges since February. Mark Foley may have stepped down, but he will be eligible for his congressional pension no matter what, even if he faces jail time, according to Pete Sepp of the National Taxpayer's Union, a non-partisan taxpayer advocacy group. "We estimate $32,000 annually, and that would begin at age 62," Sepp said. "And the pension will grow as the cost of living rises."
Whistle-blower AT&T technician Mark Klein says his effort to reveal alleged government surveillance of domestic Internet traffic was blocked not only by U.S. intelligence officials but also by the top editors of the Los Angeles Times. Eventually, Klein says he decided to take his documents to the LA Times, to blow the whistle on what he calls "an illegal and Orwellian project." But after working for two months with LA Times reporter Joe Menn, Klein says he was told the story had been killed at the request of then-Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte and then-director of the NSA Gen. Michael Hayden. Klein then took his AT&T documents to The New York Times, which published its exclusive account last April. After The NYT story appeared, Klein filed an affidavit in a lawsuit against AT&T brought by a civil liberties group, Electronic Frontier Foundation. The NSA says it will not confirm or deny the existence or the purpose of the "secret rooms," but in a filing in the court case against AT&T, Negroponte formally invoked the "state secrets privilege," claiming the lawsuit and the information from Klein and others could "cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security of the United States." Klein says what he knows won't help terrorists. "The only people that are being kept in the dark is the American people who are being misled and not realizing, not being told that their private information, that their liberties are being destroyed and trampled on," he said.
When the FBI raided a business connected to Rep. Rick Renzi, R-Ariz., last week, the lawmaker joined a group that has grown less exclusive in recent years: House intelligence committee members confirmed to be facing a federal criminal investigation. Since 2005, four sitting members of the House panel entrusted with the nation's deepest secrets have come under FBI scrutiny. The committee, known formally as the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI, for short), reviews classified budgets and operational plans for the CIA, the NSA and other so-called three-letter agencies. Unlike nearly everyone else who works with the nation's deepest national security secrets, lawmakers on intelligence committees undergo no background checks, no polygraphs and no lifestyle audits. They are automatically waived in to review everything from secret satellite data to nuclear weapons intelligence.
On May 21, the Senate Judiciary Committee made at least its ninth formal request for documents related to Bush’s warrantless domestic surveillance program. Committee chiefs Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Arlen Specter (D-PA) gave Gonzales until June 5 to provide answers. He sent nothing. Leahy said today that the Justice Dept. stonewalling was “unacceptable and shows, yet again, its disdain for any kind of Constitutional oversight of its activities.”
What Dick Cheney Really Believes by Franklin Foer & Spencer Ackerman - In mid-2002, Cheney made at least two visits to the CIA's Langley headquarters to talk with the analysts on the intelligence assembly line, who warned that they had no evidence showing that Saddam was reconstituting his nuclear program. These visits have been chewed over in the press, decried by retired Agency officials, and condemned as attempts to pressure the CIA into producing more damning intel. But they only begin to capture the depth of the vice president's personal involvement in shaping Iraq intelligence. In addition to trekking to Langley, his former aides say, Cheney paid calls to analysts at the DIA, the National Security Agency, and even the National Intelligence Mapping Agency. "He visited every element of the intelligence community," says a former Cheney staffer. When he wasn't visiting these agencies, his staff snowed them with questions. According to one former CIA analyst, "The Agency [would write] something on WMD, and it would come back from the vice president with a thousand questions: 'What's this sentence mean?' 'What's your source for this line?' 'Why are you disregarding sources that are saying the opposite?'"
Among Cheney's aides, resentment of the CIA went far beyond a healthy skepticism. Whereas Cheney's questioning of intelligence during the Gulf war had been probing but respectful, now his staff belittled the intelligence community's findings, irrespective of their merits. For years, Libby and Hannah in particular had believed the Agency harbored a politically motivated animus against the INC and irresponsibly discounted intelligence reports from defectors the INC had brought forward. "This had been a fight for such a long period of time, where people were so dug in," reflects a friend of one of Cheney's senior staffers. The OVP had been studying issues like Iraq for so many years that it often simply did not accept that contrary information provided by intelligence analysts-- especially CIA analysts--could be correct. As one former colleague of many OVP officials puts it, "They so believed that the CIA were wrong, they were like, 'We want to show these fuckers that they are wrong.'" Intelligence analysts saw little difference between Cheney and his staffers. Cheney's aides may have made more trips to Langley and signed more memoranda asking for further information, but, as the CIA saw it, the OVP was a coordinated machine working for its engineer. "When I heard complaints from people, it was, 'Man, you wouldn't believe this shit that Libby and Feith and Wolfowitz do to us.' They were all lumped together," says an ex-analyst close to his former colleagues. "I would hear them say, 'Goddamn, that fucking John Hannah, you wouldn't believe.' And the next day it would be, 'That fucking Bill Luti.' For all these guys, they're interchangeable." Adds another, "They had power. Authority. They had Cheney behind them. What Scooter did, Cheney made possible. Feith, Wolfowitz: Cheney made it all possible."
Allegations based on over 500 emails received by Greg Palast implicate Tim Griffin in so-called “caging” operations to disqualify U.S. Servicepeople sent to Iraq and black and homeless voters, and there are charges that Griffin may have inflated his résumé as a prosecutor. The 38-year-old Griffin was appointed interim U.S. Attorney in Little Rock, Arkansas, in December 2006 by Gonzales after former U.S. Attorney H.E. “Bud” Cummins was one of nine regional federal prosecutors pushed out of their jobs. Gonzales then put Griffin in the job by using emergency powers that were slipped into the USA Patriot Act, thus evading the normal confirmation process before the U.S. Senate. Despite the unusual appointment, Cheney and Bush and their political allies touted Griffin’s supposedly strong experience as both a civilian and military prosecutor. Under inspection, however, Griffin’s prosecutorial record looks less than impressive – and indeed his résumé appears misleading. For instance, Griffin’s official Web site claimed that he had prosecuted 40 cases while stationed for nine months at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. But Army records showed him serving as an assistant on only three, all of which were settled with guilty pleas. Republican supporters also appear to have exaggerated Griffin’s experience during another nine-month stint as an assistant U.S. attorney in Little Rock. Though the federal case tracking system lists Griffin as having secured 25 indictments, there is no evidence that he took any of them to trial before quitting to go to work on the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign. Griffin’s former colleagues said that some of his cases needed corrections (or superceding indictments) before other prosecutors could take them to trial. Griffin didn’t agree to be interviewed, but his spokeswoman Cherith Beck suggested that Griffin’s higher number on the Ft. Campbell cases might refer to all prosecutions that he worked on in any capacity. “Just wanted to clarify, make sure you had an understanding that prosecuted means it’s a case he handled while he was there; it doesn’t mean that it went to trial necessarily,” Beck said. “Prosecuted means he handled those cases in one form or another.” However, no evidence could be found that Griffin tried either a civilian or military case; no examples of him presenting a case to a jury.
On Fox, White House spokesperson Tony Snow said that if the No Confidence vote is passed it will have “no effect” on Bush’s confidence in Gonzales. Snow claimed “nobody found anything untoward in terms of what happened”.
"Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law," by Marjorie Cohn, documents the laws and the violations, and reminds us why Jefferson warned against elected despotism.
"United States v. George W. Bush et al.," by Elizabeth de la Vega, an indictment, a presentation to a grand jury charging Bush and gang with fraud -- very well argued and documented, even entertaining.
"The Genius of Impeachment: The Founders' Cure for Royalism," by John Nichols, a masterpiece that should be required reading in every high school and college in the United States, a history and portrait of the practice of impeachment.
"Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush," by the Center for Constitutional Rights, a short book that lists and explains four (multi-part) articles of impeachment.
"The Impeachment of George W. Bush: A Practical Guide for Concerned Citizens," by Elizabeth Holtzman (former Con- gresswoman and member of the Nixon impeachment panel) and Cynthia L. Cooper, an excellent and readable book laying out five major grounds for impeachment of Bush, plus an extra section on Dick Cheney.
"The Case for Impeachment," by Dave Lindorff and Barbara Olshansky, an amazingly popular and extremely readable book that explains the context while also setting forth six articles of impeachment against Bush, plus an extra section on Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Alberto Gonzales.
"Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney," edited by Dennis Loo and Peter Phillips, with an introduction by Howard Zinn, a wonderfully well written collection of essays organized around a list of 12 grounds for impeachment of Bush and Cheney.
"George W. Bush versus the U.S. Constitution: The Downing Street Memos and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, and Cover-ups in the Iraq War and Illegal Domestic Spying," by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff, a book that not only collects the evidence but also tells us what Congressman John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, is thinking (the full text, minus a new introduction by Joseph Wilson, is available here.)
"Verdict and Findings of Fact," by the International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration of the United States, a report that looks at five major international crimes and overlaps significantly with most lists of impeachable offenses (the full text is available at the link and can also be purchased for $10);
"Impeach Bush: A Funny Li'l Graphical Novel About the Worstest Pres'dent in the History of Forevar," a comic book account of Bush's impeachable offenses - the crimes really are self-evident, but pictures don't hurt.
"Pretensions to Empire: Notes on the Criminal Folly of the Bush Admin- istration," by Lewis Lapham, a collection of essays from Harper's magazine, concluding with one called "The Case for Impeachment," which focuses on Rep. Conyers' report.
"The Twilight of Democracy: The Bush Plan for America," by Jennifer Van Bergen. Find out what the Bush Plan is and how it diverges from what the law and Constitution say.
A memo from a January, 2003, White House meeting of Bush and Blair at which Bush made clear that the U.S. would go to war with or without the United Nations and proposed various strategems to try to create a justification for war.
A report that the CIA had strong evidence before the war that Iraq possessed no Weapons of Mass Destruction.
A January, 2003, State Department memo showing awareness that Niger documents were forgeries.
A British memo shows that Bush proposed bombing Al Jazeera.
A report that Bush was personally informed that the aluminum tubes claims were not supported by the State Department or the Department of Energy and that Iraq was very unlikely to attack the United States.
Testimony that Bush and Cheney were involved in the leaking of misleading classified information and in a campaign of retribution against Joseph Wilson.
Paul Pillar, who was the CIA's national intelligence officer for the Middle East and South Asia from 2000 to 2005, writes that facts were fixed to support going to war.
Top aide to Secretary of State says facts were fixed to support going to war
An Amnesty International report on ongoing torture and unlawful detention.
Reports that almost 100 prisoners have died in US custody.
"State of War" by James Risen reveals illegal spying and reports on meeting between MI6 and CIA that preceded the Downing Street Meeting in July 2002.
"Constitution in Crisis" by John Conyers summarizes evidence of illegal activities.
Henry Waxman collects 237 Bush administration lies in a searchable database.
Report that Germans told US "Curveball" was unreliable.
U.S. Army admits using White Phosphorous as a weapon
Cheney's Chief of Staff Indicted for Obstruction of Justice
"The President has the ability to exercise his own authority if he thinks Congress has voted the wrong way." - Tony Snow On Fox, White House spokesperson Tony Snow said that if the No Confidence vote is passed it will have “no effect” on Bush’s confidence in Gonzales. Snow claimed “nobody found anything untoward in terms of what happened”.
"The only security of all is in a free press." - Thomas Jefferson
I've been thoroughly enjoying your blog for sometime, as I don't see too many 9/11 focused blogs on blogspot.
I find myself not going into the tower hypothesis debates anymore with people on the fence or "debunkers", as it seems like a discussion that goes nowhere. To me the real smoking gun of 9/11 is the Arab state proxies that control al Qaeda and where the money trail leads to.
Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson speculates the final straw was Pace's letter of support sent to the Judge in the Scooter Libby case: Let there be no doubt--Perfect Peter Pace has been shown the door because of his letter to Judge Walton pleading on behalf of Scooter Libby. That letter was the final straw demonstrating his incompetence and political tin ear as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. How can you call call upon troops to conduct themselves with honor and integrity when you make lame excuses for the conduct of a convicted perjurer and obstructer of justice like Scooter Libby. Pace's Libby letter was the tipping point. His status, already shaky with the debacle of Iraq and a six year record of failure, became toxic with that letter. Pace's letter, sent to Judge Reggie Walton on Libby's behalf, notes that "He impressed me as a team player."
The New York Times and several other outlets confirmed the story of secret US prisons in Poland and Romania which investigative journalist Larisa Alexandrovna reported exclusively long ago with former Polish intelligence officer David Dastych over at the news site RAW STORY. The Times, Washington Post, AP, and the Guardian all failed to acknowledge or recognize RAW in any way, despite that the fact that RAW "provided each of the four news organizations with the" report. It's a continuing pattern, for which those outlets always have some form of excuse ("we verified it independently, we didn't know about the 'Internet reporting' on it previously, we don't credit 'blogs'," etc.)
Representatives of three liberal-leaning groups came to the Justice Department in 2004, armed with evidence that hundreds of public-assistance agencies had illegally failed to offer voter registration to their mostly poor and minority clients.Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act, which imposed the requirement, in 1993. But after these agencies registered 2.6 million people to vote in 1995-1996, the total registered plunged to about 1 million in 2003-2004. Michael Slater, the Oregon-based deputy director of the national registration group Project Vote, said officials of the Justice Department's civil rights division showed little interest in enforcing that part of the law. He said the groups' representatives told the Justice Department officials: "Look, we have physical hard evidence that states aren't doing this. They're taking their eye off the ball. We want to see some enforcement." Slater said [Bush-appointee to the
DoJ Civil Rights division, Hans] von Spakovsky listened quietly and then made comments to the effect of "hmmm" and "that's interesting," but took no action.
Perhaps all of the Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee felt they knew what Schlozman would say, and didn't feel it necessary to show up, because none of them attended the hearing. This is a bit unusual. While the GOP often boycotts any hearing it wishes to, usually to quell public discovery, it generally designates one senatorial Republican to sit in, to keep an eye on things and sometimes to bring up extraneous matters. But Tuesday's hearing on Missouri elections fraud and DoJ Purge Gate issues had no GOP senators attending from start to finish.
It is reasonable to suggest as Bradblog does that Hearne, given his long service to GOP politics and commitment to running the bogus national "voter fraud" scare program, would have access to key decision makers high inside the Bush Administration. And given also that Thor Hearne would have personal interests greater than mere partisan allegiance implicated in the investigation by virtue of his firm's involvement in the Blunt fee office scheme, Hearne would have tremendous motive for making a move to muck around with an ongoing probe into the fee office operation. So Thor Hearne, who through his work with the Bush DOJ on hyping voter fraud claims developed strong connections with Main Justice bigwigs, also had quite a bit at stake when the DOJ began investigating his friend Governor Blunt for a scheme his firm helped implement. The U.S. Attorney investigating Blunt, Bud Cummins, then had his legs cut out before the investigation was finished. Few people would have been as well-positioned as Hearne to intervene with the Department of Justice and help scuttle the investigation into Governor Matt Blunt.
Neither the Governor's office nor Missourians for Matt Blunt has ever answered the question of whether the "legal" fees paid by the campaign to Lathrop & Gage were paid to compensate Attorney Mateja for his work defending Blunt's interests in the fee office investigation. The repeated appearance of unexplained "legal fees" on his most recent finance report should bring renewed calls upon Governor Blunt to explain how those dollars were spent. As has been suggested before, Blunt may well have circumvented or contravened Missouri law with regard to how campaign funds may be spent. If indeed the campaign's legal expenditures from August and December of 2006 were made in order to exonerate Blunt's personal legal interests, those expenditures may well represent $20,000 misappropriated from the campaign.
A few universal truths about the national Republican Party operation within the Bush DOJ have emerged. The loyal GOP lawyers --whether inside federal government or helping on the outside-- are a sizable but insular bunch. They work together to subjugate the ordinary process and the administration of justice to political need. Loyalty is the currency of the kingdom; truth or rule of law are matters of mere inconvenience. All of the facts that we have regarding the fee office case and the involvement of Cummins, Hearne, and Blunt in it point to the conclusion that the set of truths were indeed universal. That in Missouri, we had administration operatives changing DOJ policy and personnel to reflect the specific GOP needs on the ground.
One part of the Karl Rove-led Republican strategy of raising voter fraud as a crisis in American elections is at the heart of the Justice Department scandals and involved getting U.S. attorneys in battleground states to vigorously prosecute cases of voter fraud. After exhaustive effort, Justice discovered virtually no polling-place voter fraud, and its efforts to fire U.S. attorneys who did not push the voter-fraud line enough has backfired. The second prong of this attack may have involved using the American Center for Voting Rights to give "think tank" cachet to the unproven idea that voter fraud is a major problem. The center's work was used to support the passage of onerous voter-identification laws that depress turnout among the poor, minorities and the elderly.
Senator Whitehouse: "So a Karl Rove to Kyle Sampson call about a case would have been out of bounds under the rules that had been developed for decades. Under the Bush Administration, they knocked down the rules, so there’s so many opportunities for that infiltration it’s hard to know where it came from. And that’s why I think we need to continue to pursue the investigation. By process of elimination if nobody in the Department of Justice knows where the list came from, then it may not have come from within the Department of Justice; it may have come from somewhere else. And given the likelihood here - it probably didn’t come from Congress; it probably didn’t come from the Governor of Iowa or, you know, the Mayor of Detroit. You can pretty well safely bet that the place that it came from was the White House".
Bush received a pointed message Saturday about America’s Mideast policy in his first meeting with Pope Benedict XVI. Benedict urged Bush to pursue a “regional and negotiated” solution to the violent crises engulfing the Mideast, a Vatican statement said, and voiced special alarm about “the worrying situation in Iraq”.
Of 201 House Republicans, at least six are known to have attracted the attention of federal investigators, and four are from California. The investigations come in the wake of the corruption scandal that sent ex-GOP Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham of San Diego to prison last year for taking $2.4 million in bribes.
It emerged yesterday that Des Browne, UK defence secretary, held talks this week with the Saudi crown prince, Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz - the father of Prince Bandar - to try to secure a £20bn arms deal for BAE Systems. Sir Menzies said the attorney general had more questions to answer. "If it is true that information about payments made to Prince Bandar was not given to the OECD, then that is an allegation of the utmost seriousness. It would be unsupportable for Britain to sign up to an international agreement on bribery and then fail to honour its obligations when an investigation comes too close to home." Like Bandar, the bin Laden family epitomized the marriage between the United States and Saudi Arabia. Their huge construction company, the Saudi Binladin Group, banked with Citigroup and invested with Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch. The bin Ladens joined various members of the House of Saud in becoming business associates with former secretary of state James Baker and former president George H.W. Bush by investing in the Carlyle Group, a gigantic Washington, D.C.-based private equity firm. As Charles Freeman, the former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, told the Wall Street Journal, "If there were ever any company closely connected to the U.S. and its presence in Saudi Arabia, it's the Saudi Binladin Group."
On “Meet the Press,” Colin Powell has spelled out that Bush repudiated the counsel of virtually every senior commander in order to clear the way for a neoconservative scheme that has escalated the pace of U.S. military deaths in Iraq, which now exceed 3,500.
From the beginning, Gonzales has sought to shape the law according to the president's wishes. Through his legal maneuvering as White House counsel, he has authorized criminal behavior and refused to prosecute that same criminal behavior as attorney general. He created and navigated legal avenues for the president and his administration to use torture and indefinite detention. And now, as attorney general, he has refused to investigate those programs.
The ACLU details in a newly updated report on the Attorney General's civil liberties record, he has abdicated his responsibility to protect the rights of Americans, and exercises a cynical view on critical matters like the rule of law and the Constitution. Calls for Congressional oversight yield only uncooperative and misleading testimony. Under Gonzales, the Justice Department has failed to pursue violations of civil rights and voting rights laws. He has failed to investigate and prosecute criminal acts committed by civilians in the torture or abuse of detainees, failed to investigate and prosecute criminal acts and violations of the law resulting from the warrantless spying program, and championed renewal of the Patriot Act despite widespread bipartisan civil liberties concerns. His department's own inspector general discovered that the FBI underreported, misused and otherwise abused the Patriot Act's National Security Letter provisions.
The attorney general failed to investigate possible perjury by a top general about abusive interrogation techniques, his department reversed the findings of its panel of experts that a Georgia voter identification law would discriminate against minorities, and further failed to uphold his duties as attorney general by forcing out experienced career attorneys in Justice's Civil Rights Division and replacing them with less experienced, political loyalists. This lack of independence and disregard of civil liberties didn't just start in Washington. In Texas, Gonzales drafted the infamous clemency memos for Governor Bush, which failed to mention key factors in each case -- including evidence of innocence that supported clemency for
death row inmates. Lacking independence and the willingness to buck the White House in protecting civil liberties, the attorney general provided tailor-made legal support for Cheney and Bush's policys, and they have reciprocated with political support in an alliance among cronies that has hurt our nation and undercut the rule of law.
A few universal truths about the national Republican Party operation within the Bush DOJ have emerged. The loyal GOP lawyers --whether inside federal government or helping on the outside-- are a sizable but insular bunch. They work together to subjugate the ordinary process and the administration of justice to political need. Loyalty is the currency of the kingdom; truth or rule of law are matters of mere inconvenience. All of the facts that we have regarding the fee office case and the involvement of Cummins, Hearne, and Blunt in it point to the conclusion that the set of truths were indeed universal. That in Missouri, we had administration operatives changing DOJ policy and personnel to reflect the specific GOP needs on the ground.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce's top lobbyist has sent a letter to all U.S. Senators urging them to vote against the bipartisan Sanders-Grassley bill that would bar companies that are engaging in mass layoffs of American workers from using the H-1B visa program to hire lower-paid foreign workers. They are specifically asking Senators to vote for a "secondary amendment" by Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut that would gut the Sanders-Grassley proposal.
Last fall, a shady right-wing group called "Common Sense 2006" (and variations of that in different states) push-polled in Montana, Ohio, and other swing states. They're already back at work, push-polling in Montana against both Gov. Brian Schweitzer and Sen. Max Baucus.
Fort Leavenworth chaplains have posted these lesson plans on the Internet under a web address that is maintained by the U.S. Federal government, giving off the appearance that the religious materials in question are endorsed by the Pentagon. Disseminating religious ideology via a government-funded web site may violate the law mandating separation between church and state.
Cheney's Iran-Arms-to-Taliban Gambit Rebuffed - A media campaign portraying Iran as supplying arms to the Taliban guerrillas fighting U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, orchestrated by advocates of a more confrontational stance toward Iran by Cheney and Bush appears to have backfired last week when Defence Secretary Robert Gates and the commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, Gen. Dan McNeil, issued unusually strong denials.
The town of Hubbardston (MA), incorporated in 1767, will have an article of Impeachment on the warrant at the annual town meeting which will be held on June 19 at Hubbardston Center School.
"To sanction such presidential authority to order the military to seize and indefinitely detain civilians, even if the President calls them 'enemy combatants,' would have disastrous consequences for the constitution - and the country," a Federal Appeals Court panel said.
Former Justice Department Attorney Dan Metcalfe, 55, retired in early January, just before the storm erupted over the dismissal last year of nine U.S. attorneys says he has never seen anything quite like Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales. The House and Senate Judiciary committees are investigating whether the prosecutors were fired in order to squelch political investigations against Republicans or failing to aggressively pursue voter fraud charges against Democratic-leaning groups. In an interview, Metcalfe said, "I think the way in which the firings themselves were handled was abominable, the way in which the ensuing controversy was handled was abysmal, and the way in which Gonzales has handled himself is absolutely appalling.""As a long-term Justice Department official, I am embarrassed and increasingly incensed that he is still in there," he said. "Gonzales has now shown himself to be so lacking as
to defy complete description; words seem inadequate in the face of such blithe noncompetence. Suffice to say that his standing relative to other attorneys general comports with how this president compares with his own predecessors" concluded Metcalfe.
According to the Washington Times, CNN host Wolf Blitzer “vowed” on Friday “that during that afternoon’s entire news program, he would not bring himself to utter two words: Paris Hilton.” The Times quoted a CNN producer promising that Blitzer had kept his promise. But while it’s true that Blitzer didn’t “utter” the words “Paris Hilton” on Friday, he did host a whole segment about Hilton.
ATLANTA - Thousands of Marines and their families went to serve their country at North Carolina's Camp Lejeune. Instead, many wound up fighting it, blaming the government for failing to protect them from an enemy that invaded their lives in a most intimate way: through the water that quenched their thirst, cooked their food and filled their bathtubs every day. A gruff ex-drill instructor is angry leukemia claimed his daughter, Janey. Parents were guilt-ridden that perhaps their own actions had ruined their daughters' health. An aging major still mourns the wife who shared his torment over their baby's fatal birth defects. A former Navy doctor's career was demolished by his rare cancer. "We wouldn't be investigating this disgraceful situation if (the Department of Defense) had put half as much effort into cleaning up the water as it has into stonewalling those who drank it," said Rep. John Dingell (news, bio, voting record), D-Mich., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. A subcommittee expects to conduct an oversight hearing Tuesday, the first in a broader review by Democrats investigating the Pentagon's environmental record.
Republican insiders complain about Cheney and Bush filling mid-level government vacancies with "children" cite a classic case. In September 2005, the president named Julie L. Myers, then 36, to head the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau. She has never been confirmed, amid bipartisan agreement that she lacks the five years of management experience required by statute. Three months ago, Gonzales batted away calls for his ouster with the line, “I’m not going to resign. I’m going to stay focused on protecting our kids.” Republican insiders are enraged by Cheney and Bush's retention of Gonzales, whom they consider a political and governmental disaster. Beyond his affection for Gonzales, Cheney and Bush are reported to fear that a new U.S. Attorney General could not be confirmed without pledging to name a special prosecutor to investigate the firing of U.S. Attorneys. That explanation suggests a lame-duck regime, preferring for their own political purposes to stay with a crippled and leaderless U.S. Justice Department. Cheney and Bush remain relevant in Washington only because they are running a war. Having power to continue to send U.S. soldiers to their deaths for the profit of oil and weapons manufacturers,
after stealing 2 U.S. elections through voter suppression, Diebold blackbox fraud and a U.S. Supreme Court previously stacked through family connections, when you yourself repeatedly avoided any military or combat service then deliberately manipulated intelligence to create these wars is an unamerican and macabre way to remain in the political mix.
Thank you for your blog. It is incredibly informative. I found it via a link regarding how to save the information currently available on the internet.
Anybody reading this blog, feel free to contact me on myspace.
I am just wondering if any one has taken in the fact that the towers was heated by gas Could this have been the "bombs" that people heard?
Anf what is the likly hood of that bringing down the towers.?(I am not talking bout WTC7)
Zee I have nothing good to say about you. Let me guess, "Zee" stands for "Zionist"? Haha I have you scumbags figured out. The truth is that NIST and PopMech are the ones with the unfounded assumptions and BS fantasy theories. Real engineers are waking up in growing numbers. Good by Zee pig.
Been digging for a while now and the disturbing truth appears to be that zionists (NOT "JEWS" - zionists: racists through and through) were behind 911, as far as the planning and preparation, not to mention the ongoing coverup. The even more disturbing truth is that deeper research reveals that zionist hands may have guided the world into the great wars of the 20th century. Their goal: the creation and supremacy of Israel - in that regard, no one can deny they have been remarkably successful. Just a coincidence? Oh yeah, they are God's "chosen" people.
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