Chertoff Predicts Simultaneous LA/San Francisco Dirty Bombs
Someone I know attended a talk which Homeland Security Head Michael Chertoff gave today at the University of Southern California on port and supply-chain security and public infrastructure protection.
My contact reported to me today by email that Chertoff spoke about more "gut feelings" that he (Chertoff) has about a simultaneous Los Angeles / San Francisco dirty bomb attack that "our enemy is surely planning".
I've had a hunch for a long time that the next false flag attack will be on the West Coast, so that it seems that the whole country is under attack, and not just the East Coast.
My contact reported to me today by email that Chertoff spoke about more "gut feelings" that he (Chertoff) has about a simultaneous Los Angeles / San Francisco dirty bomb attack that "our enemy is surely planning".
I've had a hunch for a long time that the next false flag attack will be on the West Coast, so that it seems that the whole country is under attack, and not just the East Coast.

Remember that the scenario was the Hurricane Pam exercise, etc. which involved three cities--New York, New Orleans and San Francisco. 9/11 was an inside job and there have been theories that New Orleans' levees were "helped" to fail. Now the "gut feeling" about another attack--I would be very worried if I were San Francisco. LA may have been thrown in to make the match up slightly less obvious.
Chertoff(a.k.a.) The devil as translated from Russian, has a gut feeling that he and the Bush terrorists plan to attack L.A. and S.F. with dirty bombs.
I'm telling you, these Edomites are sick and perverse creatures. It's time to start taking them out.
Chertoff (the devil) is the son of Edomite Jewish Bolshevik sub-human parents. Our biggest mistake, and one we are already living to regret, was to lets those soulless animals within our borders.
A “dirty bomb” is one type of a “radiological dispersal device” (RDD) that combines a conventional explosive, such as dynamite, with radioactive material. The terms dirty bomb and RDD are often used interchangeably in the media. Most RDDs would not release enough radiation to kill people or cause severe illness - the conventional explosive itself would be more harmful to individuals than the radioactive material. However, depending on the scenario, an RDD explosion could create fear and panic, contaminate property, and require potentially costly cleanup. Making prompt, accurate information available to the public could prevent the panic sought by terrorists.
A dirty bomb is in no way similar to a nuclear weapon or nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb creates an explosion that is millions of times more powerful than that of a dirty bomb. The cloud of radiation from a nuclear bomb could spread tens to hundreds of square miles, whereas a dirty bomb’s radiation could be dispersed within a few blocks or miles of the explosion. A dirty bomb is not a “Weapon of Mass Destruction” but a “Weapon of Mass Disruption,” where contamination and anxiety are the terrorists’ major objectives.
It's important to remember that a 'dirty' or radiological bomb
will most likely be VERY limited in scope and/or coverage...
i.e. only affecting a geographical area where the debris is scattered by the blast which is via non-nuclear explosives... that could be as little as several hundred meter radius
HOWEVER the Neo Cons and Bushites who will certainly be the ones behind this stunt have to keep in mind the far reaching ECONOMIC impact of contaminating the ports of two major west coast cities...
Oh I believe Chertoff completely, since it would certainly be Chertoff's own gang of thugs that would perform this job on America.
Therefore...the only logical response to such an attack is to counterattack Chertoff and his gang of thugs.
But if anyone ACTUALLY had any brains in America, they would just round just up this stupid clown before it actually happened, since him and his cronies are already guilty of treason to begin with.
The very fact "this hasn't happened yet" makes this ENTIRE nation of AMERICANS a BUNCH OF REAL LIFE HYPOCRITES.
These guys are monsters. I agree that Chertoff should be arrested imediately.
This is'nt information being offered to us. It is a threat.
I have always thought they would attack San Fransisco next because of the 911 truth movement there. And it is the west coasts turn.
Don't hold your breath for the next presidential election. Likely there won't be one if the feds carry this one out.
Live now and be happy while you can.
Can anon #1 pls post a link re: hurricane palm? thanks in advance.
re: weapons of mass disruption spreading fear and panic, of course that could be easily managed if the mass media were in on the affair.
A “dirty bomb” is one type of a “radiological dispersal device” (RDD) that combines a conventional explosive, such as dynamite, with radioactive material.
hmm.. like the thousands of tons of DU/Explosive rounds the US has fired in Iraq?
Funny that the media never makes the most logical connections.
9/11 was an inside job +
false-flag + "gut feeling" + A “dirty bomb” is one type of a “radiological dispersal device” (RDD) that combines a conventional explosive, such as dynamite, with radioactive material. =
= a reason to attack iran.
Chertoff is the precursor, the messenger. The Lords of Darkness always have an obedient, mind-controlled zombie to deliver the warning...Chertoff fits the bill, he could be the reincarnation of Lenin himself, one of the best con men ever created...hey, enjoy the show, and pass the is all illusion back to nothingness...
Another 'terror' attack coming soon. Let us reflect on the prior false-flag event:
There's only one important question concerning the attacks, did the US gov't allow/participate in 9/11?
The answer to that query would explain the illegal wire-taps, suspension of habeas corpus, banning of books like "America Deceived" from Amazon, detaining of dissenters in fences miles away from events, and multiple wars based on lies.
How can the gov't be innocent in 9/11 when we have caught it lying so many times (WACO, Ruby Ridge, no WMDs, USS Liberty, Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, ETC.)?
In law, if you determine a person lies ONCE during his testimony, it can be assumed that he lied in the remainder of his testimony. How come we do not hold the gov't to the same standard as it holds us to?
The gov't lied to us about Iraq and more Americans have died there than in 9/11. If the gov't lied about Iraq then why is everyone so reluctant to believe that the gov't lied about 9/11?
Final link (before Stark County District Library bends to pressure and drops the title):
America Deceived (book)
It's been six years since the last attack on America, which means:
A. Our Homeland Security specialists are batting a thousand. (they should give lessons then to the DEA, and Customs)
B. The terrorist cells operating in America are incompentent dumbells, who can't blow up a single Toyata. (they should take lessons from the Mossad... er Iraqi insurgents)
C. Their ain't no Al Qaida.
Most likely it's C.
Mr President didn't you make the comment that you didnt fight King George the Third to become King George the First. Maybe we now have our King George the First in the guise of a pea brained politician from Texas. You guys, the founding fathers who I idolize here with a passion, saw things with far better clarity then are being seen today. I am sad for you guys. I have a deep gut feeling that if you all were here today you would be extremely angry at the way America is. Old Ben was right about the jews. Even though I am a female you guys will always have a special passionate place in my heart.
Chertoff is a dual citizen Israeli. Only a zionist traitor, like Bush, would put such a person in charge of DHS.
In effect you have Israel in charge of our security. Which I resent, as should every American. Wake up America, zionist Israel is your ENEMY. Before you retire for the night ask yourself; "Is my government supporting the Constitution or the interests of a foreign power".
YOU lil Devil "Chert-off"
Why haven't these dirty bombs muchroomed in Afghanistan or Iraq?
Both countries are now occupied and living in constant fear and violence, perhaps it is time for San F and Los A, to leave in fear and toe the line to the devil's will
Chertoff-the-devil is announcing the death of the Angels (Los Angeles) and St Francis (San Francisco): the satanists love to play with symbols... and with our lives.
Let's say that the majority of everything Bush and Cheney are doing against this Great Nation is true. That would mean that they are in direct violation of the Constitution - a document that is the bedrock of this Great Nation, a document they SWORE to uphold to the letter and a document that has NOT had any amendment changes voted on to make any changes legal.
Judging by the tinfoil hat comments written hee I move that we change the spelling to anonym-ASS. What a bunch of Bush-obsessed leftist dolts!
link that mentions three cities. Earthquake or dirty bomb--a disaster is a disaster.
Anonymous said..hee I anonym-ASS. hee I tinfoil hats locked in hee I goose step with hee I Nazi roverpuppys hate and seize the life works of good hard working honist people without working for anything..hee I . Pedophile replacements are cowards and hee I traitors . Most people here care about others and won't tell others to kill and rape as they sit in someone else's home and fuck someone else's wife and kids. Emptiness is no excuse for pain pushing inaction !
Can you clarify this statement please?
"I've had a hunch for a long time that the next false flag attack will be on the West Coast, so that it seems that the whole country is under attack, and not just the East Coast."
Are you talking about 9/11 as the East Coast?
Also, do you have anything to back this other than a friend sent me an Email? I would really like this information. I had posted on my blog this past week about Jerkoff, uh, Chertoff and his Spastic Gut. I know this kind of info is hard to get,is there a transcript anywhere?
I predict the next time we get clobered it will be a predominently White/Christian community, LA and SF have too many Jews , for them to be targeted,
Perhaps they will hit Ron Pauls constituence,
If not, then
A place like . Minnisota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Western Michigan,
In other words German Americans
The Bush Administration has a plan. Let security go lax allowing the terrorists to attack within the United States before the 2008 election. That way, Bush can declare martial law, halt the election and remain in office until the "war" is over.
Do the words silly paranoid conspiracy drones mean anything to you?
How can anyone in their right mind say that these dirty bombs are not weapons of mass destruction simply because they are not as potentially destructive as a nuclear bomb and will only destroy life with a limited area? Try convincing the guy running the drycleaner two blocks down from the epicenter of this blast that there is no mass detruction.
To me, anything bigger than a knife or pistol should be classified as a weapon of mass destruction.
Anyone who believes fanatical groups are not planning these strikes is only fooling themselves and smoking too much hash to know the difference between a threat and an egg roll.
Okay, let's consider the threat in the context of port and supply-chain security coupled with the MO of the current spate of black ops attacks which share certain characteristics. They are meant to provoke terror among US citizens, but they also serve secondary purposes.
9/11 was urban renewal at taxpayer expense with a multi-billion dollar insurance payout to Silverstein. It also destroyed the accumulated crime cases against Enron, etc. housed in WTC7. Katrina was urban renewal again (still in process by blocking the rebuilding in myriad ways) coupled with a pilot program of mass relocation/separation of civilian populations which could be used when needed under martial law.
Simultaneous attacks on the ports of Los Angeles and San Francisco would re-terrorize the population at large but would also help cripple the economy of a state that has shown resistance to the neo-con agenda (remember power crisis, Enron, ad nauseum). More importantly, if those ports were shut down by dirty bombs, the event would be used to overcome the current resistance to the NAFTA highway which we would "need" to move goods into the US.
Okay, let's consider the threat in the context of port and supply-chain security coupled with the MO of the current spate of black ops attacks which share certain characteristics. They are meant to provoke terror among US citizens, but they also serve secondary purposes.
9/11 was urban renewal at taxpayer expense with a multi-billion dollar insurance payout to Silverstein. It also destroyed the accumulated crime cases against Enron, etc. housed in WTC7. Katrina was urban renewal again (still in process by blocking the rebuilding in myriad ways) coupled with a pilot program of mass relocation/separation of civilian populations which could be used when needed under martial law.
Simultaneous attacks on the ports of Los Angeles and San Francisco would re-terrorize the population at large but would also help cripple the economy of a state that has shown resistance to the neo-con agenda (remember power crisis, Enron, ad nauseum). More importantly, if those ports were shut down by dirty bombs, the event would be used to overcome the current resistance to the NAFTA highway which we would "need" to move goods into the US.
I have never in my life seen or heard so many conspiracy nuts,i'ld be willing to lay a hefty bet that they would just love to see the RDD's happen just so they could say "I told you so". thses are the people that will bring our nation down, and i look for it to happen soon
I grew up in San Pedro/L.A. harbor area and being the town is ful of longshoremen unloading boats, I knew something wasn't kosher when for the first time in my 43 years on earth, suddenly a huge amount of shipments were being divrted to Ensenada, Mexico habor. This screamed to me that this was being done because the next attack would be a ship with a nuke. This was only fortified when the army started running drills on just suxh an attack in North Carolina. Something about this drill was so wrong that a 3 star general quit and would have nothing to do with it.
Check out this post...
and this showing how the local MSM tried covering t up...
This link didn't show up in my prior post.
Key General fired as nuke terror drill set for Thursday, August 11, 2005
News is flying in regard to the nuclear terror drill set for this month. It is feared by informed researchers that an actual nuclear detonation may be piggybacked on the drill, as was the modus operandi in the 9/11 and 7/7 inside jobs.
As reported at this site,( the drill involving a nuclear warhead being smuggled into Charleston, South Carolina is to involve the Atlanta-area FEMA office and be run out of Fort Monroe, Virginia. Today, the four-star general in charge of Fort Monroe was fired. Anonymously-sourced and speculative reports on the leading alternative media websites posited General Kevin Byrnes was fired for attempting to prevent the drill from going live. (See Lehrman/, Szymanski/Arctic Beacon, Jones,Watson/PrisonPlanet, Skolnick/Cloak‡.
Now a Washington Times report, also anonymously-sourced, highlights the flimsy basis on which he was fired -- adultery. Not the Jeff Gannon kind of military adultery popular in the White House; but involvement, while separated from his wife, with a woman in a separate command. It also turns out Rumsfeld tried to chase him out the military three years ago. Looks like he finally found a pretext.
From WashTimes August 10 :
An official announcement yesterday did not specify why Gen. Kevin P. Byrnes, 52, was removed from his command of all soldier training and doctrine development, but two retired Army officers said it was for having an extramarital affair.
Adultery is illegal in the military, constituting conduct unbecoming an officer. The sources said they think the woman was not a subordinate of Gen. Byrnes at U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, Fort Monroe, Va.
It is rare in modern times for the Army to relieve a four-star general. ...
Gen. Byrnes, one of only 11 four-star Army generals, was nearing the end of a three-year term at U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command when Gen. Peter Schoomaker, the Army chief of staff, relieved him of command yesterday.
Gen. Byrnes had been under investigation for some time and had been in the throes of a divorce.
A number of officers went to bat [for Byrnes] in 2002 when Mr. Rumsfeld threatened to end his career at lieutenant general.
Mr. Rumsfeld was upset at Gen. Byrnes for fighting proposed troop cuts being outlined by the defense secretary's aide, Stephen Cambone.
Then-Army Secretary Thomas White and top generals interceded and convinced Mr. Rumsfeld to keep him. Shortly thereafter, Gen. Byrnes won nomination to a fourth star and the TRADOC command...
And, like the several drills occuring on 9/11, the Fort Monroe Casemate for August 5 reports a series of terror drills at the base on August 17.:
An anti-terrorism exercise to test the effectiveness of installation plans and procedures in response to a terrorist attack will take place here Aug. 17.
A series of live emergency response drills are scheduled throughout the day, according to Bill Moisant, Fort Monroe’s anti-terrorism officer. ...
Impacts could include extremely thorough security checks at gates, restricted movement near emergency response drill sites and temporary closure of some customer service activities.
Moisant explained that the Fort Monroe Crisis Action Team, first responders, supporting agencies, and assigned and tenant organizations will be evaluated on their ability to respond to a simulated terrorist incident. He said the exercise could involve City of Hampton police and fire officials, as well as other off-post agencies.[,..]
Exact times and locations of exercise site events are not indicated due to OPSEC requirements. Cooperation by personnel and agencies affected by the exercise is greatly appreciated.
The exercise is not open to the general public or local news media.
Chertoff: "The Fear Has Always Been The So-Called 'Clean Skin'" Terrorists
flip this:
Look, I don't put a lot of things past these guys, and the ``gut feeling'' statement bothers me a great deal. In conspiracy theorist mode I believe that ABC cancelled Traveler because the story arc (a homeland security director working for a mysterious fourth branch of government initiates a bombing of a famous NYC museum) hit too close to home.
However, if Chertoff had really made such a dire prediction in a public venue you would have heard about it from places beginning with the LA local news. It doesn't make sense in this age of instant information that this would not have hit the media.
Go look at Chertoff's prepared remarks
here and I think you can see a place or two where there could be room for misinterpretation.
To the person who is doubtful that Chertoff said it and points to published, prepared remarks, I believe the statement was made during the question and answer period.
I covered the Middle East for close to six years, and still read regional papers and watch Middle Eastern news, including media out of Israel. Don't put anything past Mossad.
And if anyone wants to talk about "the Mother" of all conspiracy theories, just remember our Dauphin George W.'s State of the Union address in 2003 in which he detailed Saddam's phantom WMDs.
The U.S. government has a history of false flag attacks, as does Israel. Remember the Maine! And of course Israel "Lavon Affair" as well as the outrageous Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty designed to draw us into her 1967 war.
There's also the sinking of the Lusitania: an article in the New Yorker a few years ago revealed that Churchill who was in charge of defense in the British cabinet at that point, knew full well that the Germans had broken the British code. Churchill knew that some ship would be sunk by the Germans and allowed it to happen. The sinking was then used a few years later as propaganda to get Americans to agree to enter that horrific event known as World War I.
Seriously folks, all you have to do is look back on American and Israeli (and other governments for instance Hitler's Germany) history to know that governments are very capable of deceiving their citizens via false flag operations.
And if you doubt me read the Israeli papers, and also watch our Congress and other government officials genuflect to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) each year. Just do a web search and you can see video of AIPAC's annual convention if you can stomach it.
But also look at your congressional reps voting record on the Middle East. Almost none of them have the guts to stand up to AIPAC's coercion and threats, even if AIPAC and other pro-Israel lobbies, like *Christians* United for Israel are directly threatening the very foundation of our country, as well as WW III.
Call your congressional reps and state clearly that Israel is much more of a danger to the U.S. than Iran because Israel uses its operatives within the U.S. government and media (Jerusalem Post Wolf Blitzer, I'm looking at you, son)to further Israel's agenda, i.e., regional if not global hegemony.
That agenda will start WW III and it will be your children and grandchildren dying.
Toll free number for Congress:
800 828 0498
Just ask for your reps' offices when you get the Capitol switchboard, and throw in the neighboring districts' reps for good measure. Tell them "No more war for Israel"
Because if the neo-cons allied to Israel's Likud continue down this truly insane path tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of people will die. And many of them will be Americans.
Did any of you take the time tp check out the bios of the CREATE team members? I recomend you do that. It is very telling. For one thing, it tells me why this was blacked-out in the media. I would take thid very seriously. I grew up in the Port of Los Angeles area and have been told by dozens of people that oil shipments have been being diverted to Mexican ports down south. First tie in a 100 yrs this has happened.
Speaking of false flags...
Consider our patriotic VP Hellbent on sending the children of others to commit mass murder and be killed on oils behest in Iran.
He engineered the betrayal of Valery Plame and the likely deaths of those of both the witting and unwitting of Brewster Jennings assets working with her tracking the international trade in nuclear materials.
sending a few guys who need shaves out with "Iranian dirty bombs" to kill a few thousand blue staters for 9-11 2.0 and nobody's to say otherwise. next stop Iran BOOM BOOM!!
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