To a Fascist, ALL Americans are Terrorists
According to the wannabe-fascists:
Ideas like liberty, justice, representative government, free speech, and the open debate of ideas are terrifying to fascists and their agenda, and so they label those who hold these American values as enemies.
- The majority of Americans who question the White House's "endless war" strategy are giving aid and comfort to the enemy
- The many millions of Americans who support presidential candidate Ron Paul are terrorists
- The vast majority of Americans who question the government's version of 9/11 are also terrorists
Ideas like liberty, justice, representative government, free speech, and the open debate of ideas are terrifying to fascists and their agenda, and so they label those who hold these American values as enemies.

It's called "McCarthyism" and it's a Republican tactic, and it never stopped since Joe McCarthy, and Ann Coulter's favorite person ever? Joe McCarthy!
I told you before (I think) that your blog is banned from where I work at...always the sign of a good blog! I put it up on my links...
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Why are so many 9/11 "truthers" such pathological liars? I don't know whom I fear more, the perpetrators or the "truthers". Then again, I'm not sure that in many cases the two are not the same.
To the previous poster: Why did WTC-7 fall down? Why was the heat of the buildings so hot to melt steel, but there's pictures of people in the building of the holes where the planes hit & Mohammed Atta's VISA was at the scene unscathed? I love the way people like you will believe politicians' story but not scientists, engineers, & physicists! WHO gave the official story? A bunch of politicians? Since when do you believe politicians? Why did all the planes "vaporize"? WTC-7 wasn't hit by a plane, but disintegrated into its own footprint. How? Fire? So, 47 story buildings disintegrate due to fire? COME ON! You're a shill!
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