Saturday, December 01, 2007

Former Air Force Colonel and Pentagon official Karen Kwiatkowski -- who was the key whistleblower who revealed that the Pentagon had a special division producing cooked intelligence on Iraq -- recently wrote:
"The republic is dead. Not sick, not dying, not failing, or in a gradual decline, not waiting to be resuscitated, but already stone cold dead."
Is she right?

Well, there are some indications that America as envisioned by the the Constitution and the Founding Fathers doesn't just need our help. Is not merely in trouble, or fragile, or under attack. But rather, there are indications that America is already dead. That we lost. That its over.

Mushy-Headed America

Is it really that bleak?

I'm not sure. But I do know that the very mushy-headed optimism of many Americans blinds them to the fact that their own government could be ruthless enough to create baseless propaganda, manipulate intelligence, and pull off false flag attacks on American and allied citizens.

I believe that hope is vitally important. But if we don't see the situation as it really is, then we just have our heads up in the clouds then and we're not standing on the ground. We first have to see things as they are, and then use the power of hopefulness.

For example, if you don't discover that your house has mold, you can't fix it and make it healthy. If your doctor doesn't tell the patient he has cancer, the patient has no chance of getting better.

If you put all of your eggs in a basket without noticing there is a hole in the bottom, you're going to lose your eggs. And unless we acknowledge when something we like is broken, we can't fix it or -- if beyond repair -- build a new one.

Albert Einstein said "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If we do the same thing over and over, and it hasn't worked, we should wake up and acknowledge it isn't working. Otherwise, we cannot fix it.

America of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution is not yet dead . . . but that it is mortally wounded.

Instead of separation of powers, we have a tyrannical executive branch. Instead of a free market economy, we have massive subsidies, credits, manipulation of the stock market, and other things which skew the system so that there is not a level playing field.

The leaders we have now and the way things work are wholly corrupt. The structures are rotten and moldy, and have to be ripped out and rebuilt. The pipes are clogged, and nothing will move unless they are totally cleaned out.

The neocons and neoliberals, the imperialists and military-industrial complex, the lobbyists and dual loyalists have all cannibalized America to the point that it is hardly breathing.

The drafters of the Constitution would not recognize this place, except perhaps as a repeat of tyranny under the British crown.

America is mortally wounded. I'm calling a code blue.

Who's Going to Save Us?

Mad King George and the loyalists in the legislature are not going to voluntarily give us freedom or liberty or allow us any real input and a representative government. The Supreme Court (which handed the election to Bush) isn't going to do it.

Many liberals who still hope that the Democratic congress has some intention of impeaching Bush and Cheney, investigating 9/11, fixing the voting system, ending the Iraq war, or preventing war against Iran. They are hopelessly naive.

Did writing letters to our Democratic representatives work to stop the Iraq war? Has it worked to force a new 9/11 investigation? Is it working to prevent a war against Iran?

Many people voted for a Democratic congress and then trusted them to fix things. But they didn't, and it has now become apparent to those paying attention that the Dems are part of the problem.

Those who still naively trust that the Democratic congress members are good folks who are trying to stop the Neocons is blinding them to the fact that the Democrats don't want to do anything between now and the next election (and most of the Democratic presidential candidates don't want to do anything to change things even after the election).

On the other side, most Fox news watchers hope that the Iraq war will turn out okay. Or that the "terrorists" are certain brown-skinned people that we can defeat. Or that the destruction of liberties in the U.S. is temporary.

Their rose-colored glasses are preventing them from seeing the truth as much as the liberals.

Only massive civil disobedience has the chance to re-start America's pulse and save our country.
The patient is mortally wounded and the prognosis is grim. Only heroic measures can save the patient. Massive civil disobedience is the only thing with the power to re-start the heart of our nation. .


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