Former President of Italy: 9/11 was an Inside Job
On November 30th, the former President of Italy, Francesco Cossiga, wrote in Italy's largest newspaper:
[Bin Laden supposedly confessed] to the Qaeda September [attack] to the two towers in New York [claiming to be] the author of the attack of the 11, while all the [intelligence services] of America and Europe ... now know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the CIA American and the Mossad with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part ... in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.
Mr. Cossiga joins a very long list of top military leaders, intelligence professionals, scientists, structural engineers, architects, members of Congress, 9/11 Commissioners, legal scholars, heroic first responders, family members of 9/11 victims and psychiatrists who question the government's version of 9/11.
The above is a rough translation using Babelfish. Someone who speaks fluent Italian will be able produce a much more accurate translation.
Mr. Cossiga previously stated, in 2001:
The mastermind of the attack must have been a “sophisticated mind, provided with ample means not only to recruit fanatic kamikazes, but also highly specialized personnel. I add one thing: it could not be accomplished without infiltrations in the radar and flight security personnel.” (p. 36-37)
Note: Criticizing Zionism, as Mr. Cossiga does, is not the same as being anti-semitic. See this, this and this.

Keystone Cops 9/11: The Rare South Tower White Jet Photo
I have no problem believing the CIA and Mossad had prior knowledge and were at the least culpable in 9-11-01 but this President needs to offer evidence and not just words.
Mr. Cossiga merely asks us to switch our prejudices from Arabs back to Jews. He speculates on people having some power to mesmerize fanatics to fly the planes into the towers for Israel or for the USA instead of for bin Laden. I find this ridiculous. Engineers have written highly technical papers on the three main flaws in the whole official story of 9/11, how it could not possibly have happened the way the US said it did. I'm sure this "important" man would rather stir up hatreds than examine how the crimes were done, but that's par for the course in politics these days. Somehow being an all-rounder who understands something about physics must disqualify you for office in most countries. But in the one which brought the world the Renaissance! How sad! Wouldn't it be wonderful for an Italian ex-president to ask about the techniques which brought down the THREE towers, one of them clairvoyantly announced, about the miracle of cellphone transmission from planes, and about the flying capabilities of people who were barely able to pilot Cessna's. I suppose a fawning person might let off the Pentagon office of special plans or its many contractors. Perhaps there is money in doing so.
The legitimacy of the claims are not stand alone as some people suggest. The fact of his former presidency lends credence to the words since obviously he had/has access to the intelligence assessments.
His claims are not standing on their own but simply add to a vast mountain of interlocking evidence, professional opinions and scientific as well as witnesses and whistle blowers from intelligence circles......there is a mountain of it.
It does not require me to provide it here in defense either since it is all very easily assessable and verifiable and this is not the forum.
It is as simple as going to Patriots Question 9/11 or Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity to find a broad amount of support and details about exactly the claims made by the Italian former Pres.
"Note: Criticizing Zionism, as Mr. Cossiga does, is not the same as being anti-semitic." You may want to read Who is a Semite? One of the myths that has been perpetrated on the world is that only Jews are Semites.
I am proud enough of my sovereign nation, the USA, to hold it and not Israel fully responsible for 9/11. I have never been to Israel and I have no rights there, not being myself a Jew. But even if some of their Likudniks had a hand in 9/11, the buck really did stop with Cheney and Rumsfeld. Their actions were highly suspicious of complicity in light of the fact that none of the facts of 9/11 make sense except as an inside job. The subsequent benefit to companies which Cheney owns, friends like Blackwater and on and on, with the oil rights the first thing they secured in Iraq -- oh, please. We have experienced a coup d'etat, the final blow after the stolen election. This is what happens all over the world. It is no more strange than the controlled demolition of the towers. We have seen it, and 9/11 was just another instance of a known phenomenon, spun to us so skillfully, we cannot see that Santa's beard hangs loosely on Daddy's chin.
There's a full translation here
Cossiga's key statement is:
"From sources close to Palazzo Chigi, nerve center of the Italian intelligence services, it is noted that the non-authenticity of the video is proven by the fact that in it Osama Bin Laden "confesses" that Al Qaeda authored the 9/11 attacks on the two towers in New York, while all democratic elements of America and Europe, and especially the Italian center-left, are well aware that the disastrous attack was planned and executed by the American CIA and the Mossad with help from organized Zionists in order to accuse the Arab world and to induce the Western powers to intervene in both Iraq and Afghanistan"
Thank you President Cossiga. By speaking truth, you assuage our wounds, and give us hope to see justice and peace.
The United States of America is suffering from the media we are exposed to. Our media which is so lacking in truth, intends to lead us to a stupidity that our very insticts object to.
God bless you for your clear statement, President Cossiga.
We have Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul who have agreed with the necessity of opening a criminal investigation into 911.
Italians are very well aware of the strategy of tension and Operation Gladio, as many, many innocents died, at the hands of so called "terrorists". The hand of the US was behind them all, pulling the strings to make it look as those "extremists" were committing them.
The fact that these horrendous operations on Italian soil, took place and were brought to light largely because of investigations of the Italian government, lends alot of legitimacy to his statement.
Hello, i am from italy. Let me first be sorry for my english.
Then i have to tell you "be carefull!". Cossiga is a singular politician, he was the minister of interno (briefly, the chief of police) during the Moro's abduction, and one of the chief of gladio too. One of his features is to be ambiguos. I don't think he said this sentence seriously; i mean, he knows the truth about 911 but by saying it he wants to joke about conspiracy theorists, even if they are right. And moreover he loves to pretend to be a well-informed man. Be carefull. Ciao
Andrea (a male name here!)
Israel has the most to gain from 911. They are the worst nation of liars and bigots on Earth. 200 Israelis were arrested in Ney york after 911, many of who were in fact Mossad. Many also worked for Comverse and AMDOCS. These two Israeli companies monitor every phone call made in the United States. The US government has been completely overrun by Jewish fundamentalist, Radicals. Wolfowitz, Pearl, Libby, Abrahms, Chertoff, Jane Harman, the list goes on forever. Israel is the truest enemy of the American People.
DID YOU KNOW??....1/4 of americans are retards but 1/3 of the world's population are bigger ones......a bunch of pissed off muslims flew those planes into the buildings
Reportedly, Sir David Manning, Blair's top security man, was in Washington on 9 11. 'On 31 July the Times disclosed that Sir David Manning was in the United States on Sept 11.' 9 11 was most likely the work of elements of the security services of many countries, including the USA, Germany, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the UK. -
Andrea -- I hear you loud and clear. Gratia plena.
Wouldn't surprise me if it was an inside job, especially since it was an inside job that assassinated Yitzhak Rabin, certainly not the Shabak stooge Yigal Amir...and Bill Clinton pretended to be Rabin's friend and looked the other way at all the incriminating evidence against Shimon Peres. With friends like that, "Shalom haver," who needs enemies?
I really feel so sad by all you truthers out there that will believe these things without really looking at the other side. You can hate Bush without these twisted conspiracy theories. Look around at those that have looked at your parsing every sentence spoken by someone and over analysis of utube videos need fact checking. Check these links:
Be open to the fact that you may be wrong. It may not be as fun as the conspiracy but it may be the actual truth.
If you want evidence, here's evidence:
BBC Videos reporting collapse of WTC-7 24 minutes before it actually happened!
WTC 7 Collapse: Controlled Demolition?
President Bush at Booker Elementary - How did the Secret Service know he was not a target?
WTC Collapse: Indications of Thermite
WTC Collapse: Photographic evidence of cutter charges.
9/11 and Anthrax: There is a real suspect, but the FBI won't go near him.
The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11
Odigo Workers Received Warning of 9/11 Attacks
Insider stock dealings traced to Israel
The Amazingly Lucky Larry Silverstein
alot of people seem frightened to even admit that it is an option that 9/11 had inside involvement
people believe whatever makes them feel good inside, they don't need proof to live in an ignorant bubble, and proof to someone is crap to someone else, if you don't want to admit it is certainly an option, and quite likely that it was inside job (based on a history of gov't using false flags, and other irregularity, but i think some people are seriously (not meant to be a joke) not able to handle that it is an OPTION that 9/11 was an inside job.
alot of people seem frightened to even admit that it is an option that 9/11 had inside involvement
people believe whatever makes them feel good inside, they don't need proof to live in an ignorant bubble, and proof to someone is crap to someone else, if you don't want to admit it is certainly an option, and quite likely that it was inside job (based on a history of gov't using false flags, and other irregularity, but i think some people are seriously (not meant to be a joke) not able to handle that it is an OPTION that 9/11 was an inside job.
nice job!
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